
Driver Used Tech to Avoid Thousands in Toll Fees

A man from Texas was accused of employing a technological device in order to conceal his license plate while passing through toll booths so that he could allegedly skip out on paying the fees.

27-year-old Preston Cody Talbot was reportedly driving on the North Sam Houston Parkway West on Thursday, against an order that banned him from doing so after he was held responsible for racking up $5,473.07 in unpaid toll fees.

Deputies working near one of the toll booths on the Parkway allegedly spotted a vehicle that they believed had failed to deposit the required funds while passing through.

When they performed a traffic stop on the vehicle, the deputies alleged that the car was affixed with a remote control device that gives the driver the ability to change the appearance of their license plate on demand.

While some have been known to use the device to switch their plate numbers entirely, the deputies alleged that Talbot had it set so that it would only show a pure black rectangle where the license number would normally show.

There is a law against owning the type of equipment that the authorities have purported Talbot used in order to allegedly dodge the road fees, and he was taken into custody for possession of a license plate flipper. It has yet to be determined if Talbot will be issued more charges based on the hefty amount that he already owes.

If you or someone you love is suspected of a driving offense, contact Orange County criminal defense lawyer Staycie R. Sena at (949) 477-8088 for a consultation now.

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