
Middle School Principal had Sexual Intercourse with Teen

Louisiana authorities have asserted that a middle school principal had a sexual relationship with a boy under the age of 16.

44-year-old Ashleigh Landry resides in Raceland, and she served as the principal at Lockport Middle School.

At the beginning of March, the police began an investigation when they suspected that Landry was engaging in a sexual relationship with an underage boy.

Detectives with the Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office reported that they were given a series of texts sent between Landry and a teenager. It was asserted that the content of the messages proved Landry had sex with the young man.

The messages allegedly came from a Facetime chat between Landry and the boy, who reportedly dozed off mid-chat.

The person who alerted the authorities walked in on the open screen and read the chat, reportedly noticing comments mentioning sexual intercourse between the pair.

When the authorities contacted Landry and asked her to come and meet to discuss the allegations, the woman agreed to the request.

While talking to the police, Landry allegedly said that she did participate in the text exchange and that the content was intimate and erotic. The woman also allegedly copped to having sexual relations with the boy.

Landry was booked into the Lafourche Parish Correctional Complex, and she is facing charges for suspicion of felony carnal knowledge of a juvenile.

Landry, who, according to the Superintendent, “is no longer employed by the Lafourche Parish School District,” was released from custody on a $$25,000 bail.

The sheriff reported that the alleged victim was between the ages of 13 and 17, and the authorities do not believe he is a current student at Lockport.

If you or someone you love is suspected of a sexual offense, contact Orange County criminal defense lawyer Staycie R. Sena at (949) 477-8088 for a consultation now.

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