
Parents Charged for Neglect of Malnourished 3-Year-Old

The parents of a 3-year-old in Kentucky are facing charges after they were accused of not feeding their daughter solid foods her entire life, which reportedly caused severe malnutrition and tooth decay.

According to reports, on July 12, the toddler was brought to the Hopkins County Health Department for a WIC appointment. When they checked the youngster, staff believed she was in poor health. They said that she should be taken to a pediatrician right away, and from there she was transported to the hospital.

While she was at the hospital, the medical staff learned the child had a rapid heart rate and signs of chronic illness and malnutrition. They decided she would need to be given a blood transfusion. The youngster also had a dental checkup, and she was diagnosed with severe tooth decay. The medical professionals reported that the condition of the girl’s teeth would cause her to be in serious pain if she tried to chew solid foods.

The authorities were notified, and investigators reported that they believed the child’s diet consisted of a gallon of milk each day that she drank from a bottle. They also learned that the girl had previously been diagnosed with a heart condition, and her parents failed to take her to a recheck at the doctor in 2021, in addition to a cardiology appointment in 2023. They also allegedly missed five dental appointments that had been scheduled for the child.

Both parents were taken into custody and booked into the Hopkins County Jail on suspicion of first-degree child abuse. When asked about the situation, they reportedly said the youngster has a disorder preventing her from eating solid food. They are each being held in lieu of $1,000 bonds. Currently, the child is in the custody of social services, and it was reported that she is doing much better.

If you or someone you love is suspected of a domestic violence offense, contact Orange County criminal defense lawyer Staycie R. Sena at (949) 477-8088 for a consultation now.

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