
Black Couple’s Kids Taken by DCS over 5 Grams of Pot 

Five children were removed from the custody of their parents by DCS after a traffic stop revealed that the dad had a small amount of marijuana in his possession, and the agency has refused to give the youngsters back for over a month. 

Last month, a Black family from Georgia loaded up their Dodge Durango with their five children, ages 5, 3, 2, and 4 months. They were taking a road trip to Chicago to attend a funeral. 

On February 17, the family was driving through Manchester, Tennessee. The kids were sleeping in the back seat. 

According to reports, a Tennessee Highway Patrol officer spotted the car and asserted that the tint on the windows was too dark. The officer also believed the driver remained in the passing lane without passing other vehicles. 

A traffic stop was performed, and the inside of the vehicle was searched. The officer reportedly discovered less than five grams of marijuana, which is considered a misdemeanor offense in Tennessee. 

The mother was given a citation for the alleged infraction, but the father was taken into custody for possession. The trooper allowed the mom to drive the Durango to meet her husband at the Coffee County Justice Center so she could post his bail. 

The woman sat with the children for several hours, and she was approached by an agent from the Department of Children’s Services. She was informed that all the youngsters, including the breastfeeding infant, would be taken from her custody by court order on suspicion of child neglect.  

According to reports, the attorneys representing the couple have been fighting what they have called a violation of rights, as well as asserting that overly drastic measures were taken because the family is Black. 

Activists have been fighting for the family’s rights, and believe the situation is race related. 

It has been over one month since they were taken, and the children are still in the custody of DCS. 

If you or someone you love is suspected of a criminal offense, contact Orange County criminal defense lawyer Staycie R. Sena at (949) 477-8088 for a consultation now. 

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