
Crazy Town Frontman Arrested for Second DUI

The lead singer of the rap/rock band Crazy Town was arrested for driving under the influence a few days after getting into a bloody brawl with one of the other band members.

Seth Brooks Binzer, known to fans by his stage name “Shifty Shellshock,” has had a music career since 1999 when the band Crazy Town was formed.

On April 23, the band played a gig in Myrtle Beach, but the engagement did not go off as planned. Binzer did not arrive until the set was nearly complete, and he was reportedly very upset with Bobby Reeves, the other vocalist.

When the show was over, the two singers continued fighting until things reportedly got physical.

According to reports, the issue was about money, and Binzer and his bandmate were at odds about who collected the payment owed for their performance.

Binzer allegedly hit Reeves first, and both men reportedly continued striking each other. Reeves reportedly came out of the scuffle with a black eye.

Two days later, Binzer was reportedly driving a black SUV in Myrtle Beach when someone reported to the authorities that a man in a vehicle with that description was driving unsafely and had fallen asleep at the wheel at a traffic signal.

An officer located the SUV and said they could see that it was being driven unsafely.

When the police interacted with Binzer, they said he showed several signs of intoxication. He reportedly consented to roadside sobriety tests and the officers said that he was unable to properly perform the exercises.

After determining that he was driving under the influence, Binzer was placed under arrest and booked into the Myrtle Beach jail.

Binzer’s BAC was recorded as “less than .10,” and it was noted that this is his second DUI offense.

If you or someone you love is suspected of a DUI offense, contact Orange County criminal defense lawyer Staycie R. Sena at (949) 477-8088 for a consultation now.

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