
Drunk Hit and Run Suspect Charged with “Habitual DUI”

A Maui man with more than one conviction for DUI allegedly crashed into another vehicle and drove off without interacting with the alleged victim. 

41-year-old Joseph Pietzki lives in Maui, Hawaii. He was convicted for driving under the influence for the first time in 2012 and had a second conviction the following year.

On an evening last week, Pietzki was reportedly driving around the local area.

Another car on the road was coming toward Pietzki from the opposite direction, and the two vehicles reportedly collided from the side.

According to the other driver, Pietzki immediately drove away after the incident.

Within the hour, Pietzki reportedly came back and found the person so he could say that he was sorry for what happened. The alleged victim notified the authorities about the event while Pietzki was at the scene.

Officers dispatched to the location, and the alleged victim issued their account of what had transpired.

Pietzki was reportedly dozing in his vehicle when he was approached by an officer.

When he was roused and talked with the police, Pietzki allegedly spoke unclearly and gave the officer the impression that he was under the influence. The officer also reportedly smelled alcohol and asserted it was coming from Pietzki.

The man was allegedly unable to properly perform the roadside sobriety tests.

Pietzki was placed under arrest, and he is expected to face charges for felony habitually operating a vehicle under the influence of an intoxicant, and inattention to driving.

After paying an ordered $5,000 bail, Pietzki was released with several stipulations. He is required to use an alcohol monitor, disallowed from drinking and drug use, and must not contact the driver of the other vehicle.

If you or someone you love is suspected of a DUI offense, contact Orange County criminal defense lawyer Staycie R. Sena at (949) 477-8088 for a consultation now.

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