
Fully Dressed Couple Arrested for Obscenity

Though they were wearing their clothing during the incident, a model and her boyfriend have been suspected of acting in an obscene manner in public after footage of their allegedly naughty behavior was found in a youngster’s possession.

26-year-old Lorna Gudykunst, a promotional model by trade and mom to a young daughter, was spending time at a celebration for the 4th of July with her companion, 22-year-old Markus Jackson.

While hanging out at a residential home, the St. Petersburg pair allegedly made their own fireworks by reportedly engaging in what was deemed as an inappropriate public display of affection.

The woman and Jackson allegedly began to take part in a physical activity involving a more-than-casual level of closeness. It was not disclosed in the police report what the exact act was, but it was recorded that Gudykunst said they were dancing.

As the couple enjoyed their time together a 12-year-old in attendance was found to have recorded a video of the event.

The authorities found out about the existence of the footage, and after viewing it they alleged that the content showed material that was believed to be too racy for a child’s eyes.

When Gudykunst spoke with the police about the incident she allegedly mentioned that she found out after dancing with Jackson that the pre-teen had recorded the video. Jackson also reportedly confirmed that the two, who were wearing all of their clothes while doing so, were dancing.

Just after midnight on Independence Day, Gudykunst and Jackson were placed under arrest and taken to the Pinellas County Jail. Both of the suspects are facing charges for felony obscenity.

Gudykunst posted a $5,000 bond and was released from custody. Jackson, who was recorded in his arrest report as sporting a tattoo that reads “Play Your Cards Right,” appeared to have been dealt a bad hand. The man is still incarcerated in lieu of bond, and he was issued an additional charge for alleged possession of marijuana.

If you or someone you love is suspected of a crime, contact Orange County criminal defense lawyer Staycie R. Sena at (949) 477-8088 for a consultation now.

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