
Orange County Labor Day DUI Checkpoint Results

In the last several weeks, Orange County has had more than its share of DUI sobriety checkpoints and DUI roving patrols. While most of these DUI checkpoints are announced prior to their commencement, it is not unusual for the location to be undisclosed or for the announcement to arrive literally moments before the checkpoint will be conducted.

During a recent anti-DUI campaign called “Avoid the 38”, officers were on the hunt for motorists who were driving under the influence of alcohol and or drugs and their efforts proved to be fruitful. According to released statistics, over 856 people were arrested for driving under the influence in Orange County during the two week stint that started on August 19th and ended on Labor Day, September 5th.

DUI arrest continue to increase.  In 2010 during the same time frame, only 665 DUI arrests were made in Orange County. Be on the lookout for Orange County DUI Checkpoints that will be occurring during regular weekends as well as during the upcoming Halloween and Thanksgiving holiday!

Being arrested during a DUI checkpoint in Orange County can be quite stressful as you could not only be looking at a long license suspension and large fines but you could potentially get jail time, even on a first time DUI offense.  For the best outcome in your specific DUI case, we recommend that you hire an Orange County DUI Attorney who not only knows the laws, but who will fight for your driving rights! Call Orange County DUI Defense Lawyer Staycie R. Sena today at 949-477-8088!

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