
Police Found 25k Bags of Heroin During Traffic Stop

According to the police, a man driving a truck on the Pennsylvania Turnpike was allegedly found with 25,000 bags of heroin when they searched the vehicle during a traffic stop.

Last Halloween, a trooper from the Pennsylvania State Police was posted on the Interstate using radar on the passing vehicles, when he saw a man driving a blue Ford Explorer go by. According to the affidavit, the trooper noted the truck was “3 to 4 car lengths” behind the person in front of them, but he still “did not feel the Ford Explorer’s following distance was reasonable.”

The trooper began following the Explorer, which was traveling in the left/passing lane. After reportedly not passing any vehicles for approximately one mile, the trooper performed a traffic stop.

Upon initial contact with the driver, the trooper reported that the man seemed nervous. After giving his identification and information to the trooper, the man was asked to get out of the vehicle and walk over to the trooper’s car. The trooper felt it was suspicious that he brought his cell phone with him and locked his vehicle, and he reported that “his behavior was not consistent with that of the innocent motoring public.”

The driver did not consent to his auto being searched, and additional law enforcement, including a K9 officer, arrived at the scene. When the K9 inspected the vehicle, it reportedly detected an illegal substance. The police searched the car and allegedly found 25,000 stamp bags, each containing a substance believed to be heroin.

The suspect was taken into custody on suspicion of several drug-related offenses. At his arraignment, the judge ordered that he be housed in the Bedford County Correctional Facility in lieu of $10,000 bail.

If you or someone you love is suspected of a drug offense, contact Orange County criminal defense lawyer Staycie R. Sena at (949) 477-8088 for a consultation now.

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