
Student Drank Vodka from Teaching Assistant’s Soda Bottle

A paraprofessional in Georgia was allegedly working at a middle school while highly intoxicated, and a child unknowingly took a sip of an alcoholic beverage that she reportedly brought with her.

According to reports, on the afternoon of May 2, a student at Morgan County Middle School where she was employed reportedly saw that the 39-year-old woman had a Mountain Dew bottle. For some reason, the youngster believed it would be okay to take a sip of it, and it was reported that as soon as he tasted the liquid, he knew it was not soda.

The boy threw the bottle in the garbage and then told a teacher about what happened. They went to the para to discuss what was reported, and it was decided that the woman should talk to the principal about it. During the interaction, she reportedly said she thought there was water in the pop bottle when she left home with it, but she accidentally took one containing vodka instead.

The authorities were notified, and the assistant principal reportedly found what they thought was the bottle the youngster tossed in the garbage. It was reported that there was alcohol inside. When the police arrived, they believed the para was intoxicated, and she was given a breath test. The results reportedly displayed a blood-alcohol level of .259 – over three times the legal limit for operating a motor vehicle in Georgia.

The woman was taken into custody and transported to the Morgan County Sheriff’s Office Adult Detention Facility. She is facing preliminary charges of disorderly conduct involving public drunkenness.

According to a statement released by Morgan County Charter Schools, the woman was fired from her job with the district.

If you or someone you love is suspected of a criminal offense, contact Orange County criminal defense lawyer Staycie R. Sena at (949) 477-8088 for a consultation now.

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