
Articles Posted in Department of Social Services


Maggots Found in Neglected Elderly Woman’s Urine

A woman in the care of her daughter and granddaughter was reportedly discovered in a health-compromising state of neglect, and the authorities have charged the caregiving family members for the allegations. 47-year-old Shannon Tipton lives with and cares for her 74-year-old mother, of whom she has financial power of attorney,…


Frustrated Mom Tortured 3-Year-Old For 18-Months

The mother of a 3-year-old girl was incarcerated and charged after it was asserted that she withheld food, neglected at home and medically, and abused the child to the point that the youngster almost died. 24-year-old Celia M. Lara-Licon lives in Joplin, Missouri, and she is the mother of three…

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