
Tik Tok Video Dispute Led to Domestic Violence Arrest

A Florida woman was taken into custody after she was accused of assaulting her live-in girlfriend when the two allegedly got into a fight about videos on Tik Tok.

23-year-old Ashley Stupi and her 24-year-old girlfriend have been sharing a residence in Tampa since the early days of the COVID-19 quarantine.

Before their recent living arrangement, Stupi and her partner had reportedly been dating on and off for approximately 3 years.

Last September, Stupi’s girlfriend obtained a protective order against the woman due to claims that Stupi had a history of becoming violent with her.

Disregarding the stipulations of the order, Stupi decided she would move back in with her partner when the woman told her that they should resume living together during the pandemic.

Around 4:30 PM on April 14, Stupi and her girlfriend were reportedly filling some of their time by enjoying video content on the user-created video-sharing social networking service “Tik Tok” together.

When the pair reportedly started to argue about something related to the videos Stupi allegedly elevated the verbal fight into a physical one when she open-handedly smacked her girlfriend.

According to the police report, when officers responded to the reported situation and interacted with the alleged victim they said they saw small scratch marks on her arms and legs. She additionally told them that she did not wish to press charges against Stupi.

Against the alleged victim’s wishes, the police placed Stupi under arrest.

Since the woman was found in violation of the protective order she was charged with violation of an injunction for protection against repeat or dating violence. Stupi is also facing a charge for domestic battery.

If you or someone you love is suspected of a domestic violence crime, contact Orange County criminal defense lawyer Staycie R. Sena at (949) 477-8088 for a consultation now.

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