Articles Posted in Assaults & Batteries

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Two sisters in Florida spent the night in jail after allegedly attacking each other during a dispute about the eulogy at their father’s funeral.

On the afternoon of January 23, mourners gathered at St. Brendan’s Catholic Church in Clearwater Beach for the funeral service and reception of a 95-year-old local man. His daughters, ages 60 and 66, were in attendance, and the eldest sibling gave a eulogy. She failed to include the name of her 24-year-old niece in the tribute, and the girl and her mother were unhappy about the oversight.

It was reported that the woman approached her aunt and began talking to her about the situation, and it escalated to a heated exchange. When her mother noticed what was happening, she went over to the pair with the purported intention of sticking up for her daughter. When she confronted her sister, she allegedly slammed into the woman’s chest with her chest. She started to walk away, and her sister reportedly grabbed her by the hair and yanked her head back. Having her hair pulled allegedly caused her to strike the woman multiple times.

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A former teacher educational childcare facility teacher is facing charges after being accused of slapping a 2-year-old across the face in response to him spitting on her.

According to reports, on November 4, children at the Kiddie Academy of Greenwood were helping the teacher clean up when one of the toddlers began misbehaving. The youngster started creating more of a mess by throwing toys, so the woman asked him to help the other children pick up. The boy, who was reportedly also using foul language, did not do as she asked, but instead spit in her face. The teacher allegedly proceeded to slap him on the left side of his face before removing him from the classroom.

When the daycare director learned about the incident they fired the teacher from her position. The surveillance video was collected and reviewed, and it was reported that it showed the child spit on the woman before she allegedly slapped him and caused him to slam into a cabinet behind him. The Department of Child Services was notified about the situation. The authorities were notified, and they were given the footage of the event. While watching it, they noted that the teacher admitted to slapping the boy after he spit on her.

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A lawyer in Florida is facing charges after purportedly trying to enforce proper etiquette at a wedding buffet table by allegedly using his plate to assault a man who allowed his daughters to cut in front of him.

On January 18, the Boca Lago Country Club in Boca Raton hosted a wedding reception that featured a meat carving station with prime rib as part of the meal offerings. Several guests were waiting their turn, and a line formed. One of the people waiting in line was identified as a 52-year-old local attorney who represents clients in bankruptcy, commercial litigation, business disputes, and collections cases. Two young girls approached the man standing in front of him. The man invited them to enter the line and stand with him, causing them to cut in front of the lawyer. He reportedly became upset and began arguing with him for allowing it, and when he turned away from him, he allegedly broke a plate over the man’s head.

The authorities were notified, and the suspect was taken into custody. He is facing a preliminary charge of felony aggravated battery with a deadly weapon. It was reported that while he initially chose not to talk to the authorities without an attorney present, he later discussed the incident. He reportedly said he was hungry and had a verbal dispute with the alleged victim when the girls cut. He said he shoved the man but did not admit to hitting him with a plate. He was released after posting bond.

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When a Kentucky man reportedly confronted a woman working at the window of a fast-food restaurant about cold french fries, he allegedly got into an altercation with the employee that resulted in a shootout between both parties.

On the evening of January 6, an employee at a Wendy’s in Louisville was working at the drive thru when a man with two women riding as passengers pulled up to the window. It was reported that when they received their food, they became upset and yelled at the employee because the french fries were cold. The situation escalated, and the man parked the car. The trio reportedly headed into the restaurant to confront the employee face to face.

According to reports, the man pulled out a loaded gun and pulled the trigger. In response, the employee reportedly produced a gun she was carrying and fired a shot, and the man discharged his weapon multiple times. The woman was injured when a bullet hit her in the buttocks, and it was reported that the man and his passengers, one of whom was also shot, left the premises.

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A woman is facing charges after she was accused of stealing from a Dollar General store in northeastern Florida and battering the pregnant employee who tried to intervene.

Late in the morning on January 2, a woman rode a bicycle to a Dollar General in Palm Coast so she could pick up a lighter. The patron, who was described as wearing a blonde wig, a hat, and a scarf, was allegedly seen approaching the checkout counter near the shelf where the lighters are kept. When she learned they cost $2.00 each, the woman reportedly told the cashier that she did not have enough to pay for one. She allegedly grabbed the lighter anyway and headed towards the door. The cashier, who was 8 months pregnant at the time, tried to stand in the way so she could not leave the building, but the woman allegedly shoved her and walked out.

The authorities were notified, but before they arrived, the suspect had already ridden away on her bike. They talked to the cashier and a witness and set out to locate the woman. They collected a picture of the suspect from a surveillance camera and posted it on social media, and someone who saw it provided the woman’s whereabouts to the sheriff’s office.

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A Louisiana man allegedly made racist comments to a group of Black individuals in a parking lot in Monroe, causing one of them to punch him in the face before the man was arrested. 

Late in the evening on January 5, officers from the Monroe Police Department went to the local Shoe Show parking lot in response to an altercation between two men. When they arrived, they saw that a white man and one of the Black men at the scene were wounded. When the police talked to the black man, whose foot was hurt, he said that he and his friends were sitting in a car in the lot, and a vehicle parked next to them. He said the driver, identified as a 51-year-old white male from Monroe, began yelling derogatory remarks at them and he stepped out of his car. According to the police report, one of the things he shouted was “I hate n*ggers!” Afterward, he tried to pull away, and the black man’s foot was run over when he attempted to stop him by standing in his path. The police were told that the white man sustained his injuries after the man whose foot he ran over started punching him.

It was reported that the suspect was taken into custody and transported to a local hospital. After he was treated and released, he was booked into the Ouachita County Correctional Facility. He is facing preliminary charges of one felony count of aggravated battery, a misdemeanor count for hate crimes, and a misdemeanor count of resisting an officer. According to jail records, at the time this was written, the man was still in custody in lieu of a $50,000 bond.

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A well-known YouTuber from Houston reportedly left the country after he was accused of kidnapping two women and threatening them with a gun before allegedly leaving them on the side of the road on I-10.

On November 23, a famous YouTuber reportedly made plans to spend time with two women. According to reports, after the trio went on an excursion to ride ATV’s, they visited a bowling alley where they hung out and met some of his friends. While there, the man allegedly began acting strange and told the women it was because he noticed that individuals from a rival gang were there. He left without them, but one of his friends gave the women a ride to get their belongings out of the man’s vehicle.

When they arrived, the man offered the women a ride home, but when they got in the car, he allegedly started traveling in the opposite direction on I-10. Instead of taking them home, the man reportedly left them on the side of the road. A passerby spotted them and called the authorities, and the women were found by deputies with the Waller County Sheriff’s Office.

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A Florida man and his teenage stepson are facing multiple charges after allegedly becoming violent and shooting at people assisting a woman who crashed on a motorcycle.

Early in the morning on New Year’s Day, a woman was in a minor accident while riding a motorcycle close to her residence. Her friends were nearby when the incident occurred, and they ran over to help her. A 56-year-old man and his stepson were in a nearby home, and they heard the crash. According to reports, instead of joining those assisting the woman, they went outside and became confrontational and violent.

After approaching and yelling at the group, the man allegedly slapped a woman across the face with a flip flop, punched a second woman, and hit a man in the mouth. The teen reportedly had a handgun and allegedly began shooting in the direction of the same man when his stepfather reportedly told him to do so. None of the bullets hit the individuals, who immediately ran away.

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A Pennsylvania man is facing multiple charges after allegedly shooting his brother in the groin during a dispute on Christmas Eve.

On December 24, a 22-year-old man was hanging out with his family at a home in Butler County. The environment was reportedly tense between himself and his 27-year-old brother, and after becoming upset, the man decided to leave. His brother began driving around looking for him, and his family called and asked the Butler County Crisis Service to help with the situation.

Shortly after he began searching, the man’s brother saw him sitting in his parked vehicle in a nearby residential area. According to reports, as he walked up to the car, his brother allegedly loaded a handgun and shot the man in the groin area causing the alleged victim to fall onto the ground.  Neighbors reported that they heard what they thought were gunshots, and they became concerned and called the authorities.

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A man is facing multiple charges after reportedly causing a nuisance at two churches that allegedly included adding extra spirits to the spirit of Christmas by spiking the holy water with whiskey in one of the houses of worship.

On the evening of December 24, the Holy Angels church was in the middle of its 5:00 mass when an unknown man entered. According to reports he walked to the front of the church and placed an onion on the floor before he walked out of the building. When parishioners went outside to see where he went, the man allegedly tried to pelt them with tangerines before running away.

During the second incident, which occurred approximately 45 minutes into the midnight mass at St. Francis Xavier Church, a man walked in with a bottle of whiskey in his hand. While there, he allegedly threatened to hurt the people in attendance and stated that he wanted to “kill Catholics.” The man reportedly dumped the whiskey into the holy water, which he allegedly said he did so he could “blind Satan.” The authorities were notified, and parishioners forced the man to remain there while deputies from the St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office went to the church.

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