
Bullet Found Under Theft Suspect’s Testicles

When a man accused of taking a 17-day vacation on another person’s dime by allegedly paying with a stolen credit card was being processed into jail, the authorities reportedly located a live round underneath his testicles.

A man who is a resident of the Bahamas that is recorded as currently living without permanent housing is staying in Miami, Florida. He recently reportedly took a vacation to Indian Rocks Beach for 17 days and paid to stay in a rental residence while on his trip.

It came to light that the man might have used a stolen credit card to pay for his excursion, and the authorities were made aware of the suspicions.

The police went to the place where the man was staying, and it was reported that they found other people’s credit and debit cards, social security cards, IDs, and checks.

According to reports, when the authorities asked the man where he obtained the items, he allegedly said that he ordered and paid for them online. He allegedly copped to paying for the place he was staying on his vacation with one of the reportedly purchased credit cards.

The suspect was taken into custody and transported to the Pinellas County Jail for the theft-related allegations. While he was being processed, the authorities informed him that he would incur additional charges if he brought any contraband into the correctional facility. As they were performing a search of his body, a live round was allegedly discovered tucked underneath the man’s scrotum.

A felony charge for introducing contraband into a detention facility was added, and he was incarcerated on a $15,150 bond. He was released from custody the following morning.

If you or someone you love is suspected of a criminal offense, contact Orange County criminal defense lawyer Staycie R. Sena at (949) 477-8088 for a consultation now.

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