
“Clean, White” DUI Suspect Tries to Avoid Arrest


When a woman was pulled over for suspicion of drinking and driving early Saturday morning, she reportedly tried to avoid being arrested by listing reasons that she believed were valid for why they should not be taken into custody.

32-year-old Lauren Elizabeth Cutshaw from Bluffton, South Carolina, attended Louisiana State University where she earned a bachelor’s degree as an honor roll student and served as the philanthropy chairman of the sorority that she belonged to. Up until recently, it was reported that she had been working in the field of real estate.

Just before 2:00 am on August 8, Cutshaw allegedly went speeding through a four-way intersection without obeying the posted stop sign while she was on the way to her boyfriend’s house.

A Bluffton police officer in the area allegedly saw Cutshaw’s vehicle go through the intersection and pulled her over after clocking the traveling speed at 60 MPH and watching her ignore the traffic sign.

When the officer walked up to the driver’s side window it was reported that Cutshaw was behind the wheel with visual signs of intoxication, and the smell of alcohol was allegedly detected. Cutshaw reportedly said that she had been at a celebration in honor of her birthday and that she had consumed two glasses of wine 6 hours prior to driving.

Cutshaw was given roadside sobriety tests and did not pass according to the arresting officer, and her blood-alcohol content was measured at .18 percent upon the second administration of a breathalyzer test because the first one was inconclusive.

When Cutshaw was told that she was facing charges for suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol she was reported as listing several reasons as to why she should not be arrested. Some of the things that she asked the officer to take into consideration included her scholastic achievements, the extracurricular activities she took part in, and that she is a “very clean, thoroughbred, white girl.”

The arresting officer reported that it was not typical for someone to make such statements, and he believed that showed more evidence to support his posit that she was drunk.

Cutshaw was arrested and booked into the Beaufort County jail where she was held for approximately 8-hours before she was released. She is scheduled to appear in court on October 30 for charges of driving under the influence, speeding, disregarding a stop sign, possession of marijuana, and drug paraphernalia.

If you or someone you love is suspected of a DUI crime, contact Orange County criminal defense lawyer Staycie R. Sena at (949) 477-8088 for a consultation now.


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