
Firefighter Sexually Assaulted With a Sausage

In January 2015, at an Ellis County, Texas firehouse, five volunteer firefighters allegedly held down a new recruit and sodomized him with a sausage while a woman recorded it on her cell phone.

A grand jury indicted the group along with the chief and assistant chief several months later.

The group of firefighters could be heard laughing in the video. The victim, Jason Waldeck, said they allegedly held him down over a couch and assaulted him with a sausage after first trying to use a broomstick. Investigators say he crawled into the bathroom, vomited and took a shower. But, as a final blow, when he returned, the firefighters ripped his towel off and stole his clothes.

According to the Fort Worth Star Telegram in November 2016 prosecutors offered to drop charges against 7 of the accused if one person, 28 year old Keith Wisakowsky, pled guilty to a misdemeanor charge of assault causing bodily injury. The proposed plea bargain includes two years probation, a $2000 fine, 40 hours of community service and a prohibition against viewing pornography. It remains unclear whether he will accept or reject the plea agreement.

If you or a loved one is charged with sexual assault or another crime of violence, please contact Orange County criminal defense attorney Staycie R. Sena at (949) 477-8088 now for a consultation.

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