
Florida Woman with Low BAC Arrested for DUI

A Florida woman heading home from dinner and dancing was arrested for allegedly driving under the influence, even though her blood alcohol level was inconsistent with the accusation.

On the evening of December 8, a 66-year-old woman from the Ivystone Villas in The Villages visited the Spanish Springs Town Square to eat dinner and dance. While she ate, she reportedly drank two glasses of wine. When the woman was on the dance floor, she ran into a man who did not want to keep his hands to himself and decided to leave the establishment.

It was reported that around 8:30 PM, after the woman departed in her Toyota, she was seen by a deputy with the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office who asserted that she was going 21 miles over the posted speed limit.

The deputy performed a traffic stop. When the woman pulled over and interacted with them, the deputy said they could smell alcohol on her breath. According to reports, when asked how much she had to drink, she said she had two glasses of wine with dinner, and she explained why she left when she did.

The woman tried to perform the exercises in the roadside sobriety tests, but she was unable to complete some of the tasks because she had surgeries on her back and her foot. She chose not to try to stand on one leg. She was given a breath test, and the readings showed a blood-alcohol level of .03 and .028.

Despite blowing well under the legal limit, the deputy pointed out that the woman had been dancing, so she should not have had trouble completing the roadside sobriety test. She was taken into custody on suspicion of DUI.

If you or someone you love is suspected of a DUI offense, contact Orange County criminal defense lawyer Staycie R. Sena at (949) 477-8088 for a consultation now.

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