
High School Wrestler Physically Attacked by Coach

A wrestling coach in Kentucky is facing assault charges after allegedly approaching a student, slamming him on a table, and tackling him.

A couple of weeks ago, the wrestling team at Western High School in Shively held a banquet for the team members.

According to reports, a 15-year-old freshman on the team attended with his mother and sibling accompanying him.

The teen, who said he had always had a good connection with the coach, reportedly got into a heated disagreement after the event had concluded.

The alleged victim said the coach approached him and grabbed him by the shirt collar before slamming him on the table. The man was allegedly screaming at him. The teen was reportedly taken down to the ground, and the coach allegedly would not allow it when he tried to get up. Staff members, a second coach, and several students reportedly watched the incident as it happened.

The other coach intervened and forced the man to leave the student alone.

It was reported that the day after, the man sent the teenager’s mother a text message stating that he was wrong for bullying him. He reportedly apologized for his behavior.

Jefferson County Public Schools decided to place the alleged offending coach in a job in the bus compound where he would not be around the students.

The coach was placed under arrest on May 23. He is facing charges on suspicion of one count of fourth-degree assault.

At his arraignment last week the judge ordered a $5,000 surety bond. It was noted that he has no prior criminal history, and he is not allowed to interact with anyone from the school board or at the high school, including the students.

If you or someone you love is suspected of an assault or battery offense, contact Orange County criminal defense lawyer Staycie R. Sena at (949) 477-8088 for a consultation now.

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