Articles Tagged with ground

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An Iowa man was arrested after being stabbed by a woman with a pocketknife who was reportedly trying to get away from him while he allegedly violently attacked her.

Late in the afternoon on July 1, a woman was at her desk using her computer in a Dubuque apartment while a 36-year-old man who also resides there was hanging out and drinking. According to reports, the day turned violent when the man allegedly picked up her cell phone and threw it in the direction of the woman. The device reportedly struck her on the chin.

The man allegedly approached and overturned her desk. He reportedly began striking her and trying to pull off her clothing, in addition to inhibiting her from getting up by holding her down with his knee on her neck. The woman had a pocketknife within her reach, and she used it to stab the man so she could try to escape.

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A Florida woman and her daughter were arrested at a party last weekend after they both allegedly confronted and physically assaulted a woman who had a baby in her arms.

Early in the morning on Father’s Day, a group of family members were at a party in Alachua County. Some of the attendees at the soiree included a 56-year-old woman, her adult daughter and son, and her 15-month-old grandchild. The social gathering took a turn for the worse when a fight broke out and reportedly became physical.

While the exact reason for the altercation is unclear, family gatherings can often lead to uncomfortable interactions. According to reports, a woman was holding the 56-year-old’s grandchild in her arms when the incident occurred. The woman holding the baby was planning to leave the party when the child’s grandmother allegedly got in her face and began yelling, so she shoved her away. Things intensified when the grandmother reportedly knocked the woman, who still had the baby in her arms, onto the ground and repeatedly hit her. When the altercation ceased, the woman took the baby and went to sit in the car.

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A Florida man is facing several charges after a spat at her wedding reception allegedly led to him hitting his sister and some of the guests in attendance.

On February 24, a woman got married in Largo, Florida, and had the reception at The Event Hall, described on their website as “an Inclusive Service Event Venue.”

Several of the bride’s family members were in attendance, including her brother, who was convicted for battery in 2014. Just before 10:00 PM, while the celebration was still in progress, her sibling reportedly got upset with his sister and began to yell at her. The argument intensified, and the man allegedly hit the bride and pushed her onto the ground.

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During a domestic dispute between a couple in West Virginia, the woman allegedly shattered a fishtank, killed a pet gecko with the garbage disposal, and assaulted her boyfriend.

On January 24, a 19-year-old woman and her boyfriend who reside together at the Hickory Mills Apartments in Hurricane went out together. They reportedly made a tentative agreement that they would have a sexual encounter when they returned home.

According to reports, when the couple got to their apartment, the plan fell apart. They began to argue, and the fight reportedly escalated. The woman allegedly began throwing and breaking things, including the fish tank.

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A Ukrainian woman in Southern Florida is facing felony charges after she was reportedly caught on a neighbor’s Ring doorbell cam as she allegedly abused her 3-year-old son.

On the evening of October 31, a 29-year-old woman who lives in Sunny Isles Beach with her youngster after moving to the United States recently to get away from the war in Ukraine allegedly became angry at the boy when they were in the hallway of their condo building.

According to reports, the woman hit the child and allegedly injured him. One of the neighbors became aware of the alleged abuse, and she notified the authorities. Her Ring doorbell cam also reportedly recorded video that appeared to show the mother being physically aggressive with her son.

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A Florida woman was arrested after allegedly physically injuring a person over the age of 65 during an altercation about drinking water.

Recently, some areas of Florida have been put on boil notice status, meaning that they were instructed that it would be safest to boil their water before drinking it or to drink bottled water instead.

On the afternoon of October 23, someone from Clay Electric was working in Silver Springs near the site of a 38-year-old woman who was reportedly yelling at a woman over the age of 65. The electric company employee thought they saw things start to get physical between the women, and they notified the authorities.

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A Connecticut man has been accused of larceny after reportedly taking a bag he found outside a local bank that held $5,000 in tax funds.

On May 30, the Trumble tax collector’s office sent an employee to the bank with a deposit bag with approximately $5,000 in tax money. The bag was adorned with the bank’s symbol and there were several documents inside that reportedly indicated that the owner was the Town of Trumble.

It was reported that the employee reached the financial institution, and when they looked for the bank bag, they noticed it was not there.

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A man in Florida is facing charges after allegedly kicking and striking a woman several times while she had an infant in her arms because he believed she was having an affair.

On the morning of July 26, a woman was at home with her four children and a male guest. The man reportedly became angry because he believed the woman was cheating on him, and an argument ensued.

The situation reportedly escalated, and the man allegedly became physically violent. According to reports, he kicked the woman and struck her with a closed fist. He also allegedly spit on her and picked up a child’s scooter and hit her with it. The baby was still in her arms and they reportedly both fell to the ground. The other three children were also present during the alleged attack.

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A wrestling coach in Kentucky is facing assault charges after allegedly approaching a student, slamming him on a table, and tackling him.

A couple of weeks ago, the wrestling team at Western High School in Shively held a banquet for the team members.

According to reports, a 15-year-old freshman on the team attended with his mother and sibling accompanying him.

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An 18-year-old Florida woman was arrested for domestic violence after allegedly physically assaulting her 65-year-old boyfriend causing him to bleed from his injuries. 

Just after 10:00 p.m. on April 9, a woman, 18, and her 65-year-old boyfriend of four months were together at their shared residence in Clearwater. 

According to reports, something caused the woman to physically attack her beau. She allegedly punched him in the body and head, in addition to throwing him on the ground in the front yard. 

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