
Hungry Snakes Left Woman Pantless at Borough Hall 

A woman outside a Pennsylvania Borough Hall who was reportedly discovered nude from the waist down allegedly told the authorities that she had nothing to wear after snakes ate her pants. 

Gloria Harpel, 35, lives in Lansdale, Pennsylvania. 

It was reported that the woman has had several prior interactions with local law enforcement. 

On the afternoon of June 16, Harpel was reportedly taking a stroll in the vicinity of the Lansdale Borough Hall. 

The woman was allegedly wearing a top but no pants while she walked in the view of the public. 

Several people who said they saw Harpel in her alleged state of partial undress called the authorities to report what they witnessed. 

Officers with the Lansdale Borough Police began to drive around the area that the callers reported until they found Harpel. 

When the police interacted with the woman, they reported that she was still without pants. She was reportedly covered in sweat, and they noted that they were familiar with Harpel since they had interacted with her before. 

The officers asked Harpel why she was not wearing anything below the waist, and the woman reportedly gave them several different explanations. 

It was reported that the officers were unable to understand some of the things Harpel was saying, but they believed she told them that she threw her pants into a storm drain. One of the other explanations that Harpel gave was that snakes had consumed the clothing. 

According to reports, Harpel was taken into custody on suspicion of indecent exposure, in addition to summary counts of public intoxication and disorderly conduct. She was booked into the Montgomery County Correctional Facility in lieu of a $77 cash bail. 

If you or someone you love is suspected of a criminal offense, contact Orange County criminal defense lawyer Staycie R. Sena at (949) 477-8088 for a consultation now. 

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