
Man Kidnapped and Viciously Attacked by Roommates

Three people in Colorado were arrested, and the police are searching for a fourth after they allegedly kidnapped and brutally assaulted one of their roommates.

The victim, a 45-year-old, ended up at Saint Anthony’s Medical Center in Lakewood, where he told sheriff’s deputies about the incident.

According to reports, the man had been living with his roommates for a few weeks before the attack. He said he overheard them plotting to harm him while he was in the basement bedroom. To escape the possible confrontation, he tried to crawl out of a window. When he could not get out, he blocked the door hoping to shield himself from potential harm. The man’s roommates were able to open the door, and they were allegedly holding airsoft-style guns loaded with rock salt. They reportedly began shooting at him before beginning the alleged physical assault.

Things escalated quickly, and the alleged victim reported that at one point, one of the suspects allegedly pressed a boot against his throat so hard that he passed out. The group reportedly proceeded to tie him to a chair using zip ties and electrical tape, and each person took turns hitting his knees with a baseball bat. One of them allegedly poured rubbing alcohol on the man’s face and set it on fire.

The brutal assault reportedly went on for hours, both in the basement and upstairs, until two individuals arrived at the house and intervened. The victim was taken to the hospital. The man’s injuries included burns, bruised knees, and damage to his neck.

Three of the four men were taken into custody, and they are facing preliminary charges of attempted first-degree murder, kidnapping, and assault. They are currently being held on bond. The authorities are still trying to find the fourth suspect, and they are still investigating the motive behind the alleged attack.

If you or someone you love is suspected of an assault or battery offense, contact Orange County criminal defense lawyer Staycie R. Sena at (949) 477-8088 for a consultation now.

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