
Mom Unknowingly Shared Laced Brownies at Community Center 

A woman’s son is facing charges after she brought brownies he reportedly baked that she didn’t know contained THC to a card game at the community center, and several seniors who consumed them felt the effects. 

46-year-old Michael Koranda is an elementary school teacher for the Bon Homme County School District in Tyndall, South Dakota. 

It was reported that last weekend, Koranda took a trip to Colorado. 

Koranda allegedly returned home from his trip with butter infused with THC. 

When Koranda reportedly set out to use the pound of butter he reportedly procured on his trip, the man allegedly put half of it in a batch of brownies. 

After baking the reportedly laced chocolate treats, Koranda went to bed. 

Koranda’s mother attends a weekly card game at the Tabor Senior Community Center. 

When the woman went to her game last weekend, she grabbed the tray of brownies and took them to the center to share with the other card players. 

Within hours of the end of the gaming session, the authorities received a call from someone who said they felt as though they had been poisoned. Several additional calls came in around the same time from people reaching out for help for the same reason. 

The police spoke with a couple who were at the card game and claimed they consumed the pot-laden baked goods. They reportedly told the police that they found out Koranda made the brownies, and his mother accidentally brought them to the gathering. 

When the police spoke with Koranda, they said the man was very cooperative, and he gave them the remaining brownies and leftover butter. 

Koranda was taken into custody. He is expected to face charges of felony possession of a controlled drug or substance. He was released from jail after posting a $3,000 bond. 

It is reported that Koranda still has his teaching job at this time. 

If you or someone you love is suspected of a criminal offense, contact Orange County criminal defense lawyer Staycie R. Sena at (949) 477-8088 for a consultation now. 

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