
Portland Officer Pepper Sprayed by Local

An Oregon man is facing several felony charges after allegedly busting his way into a police car and assaulting an officer with pepper spray.

Just after 9:30 am on October 4, a Portland Police Bureau officer was downtown and seated in his parked patrol car while attending to paperwork.

While the officer was distracted, a man reportedly approached from behind the car and smashed the window.

When the suspect had access to the inside of the automobile, he allegedly diffused enough pepper spray to negatively affect the officer.

The officer radioed an alert to the Portland Police Department to let them know what had reportedly transpired. He said that the suspect had run and entered a vehicle that took off after the alleged incident.

Police began to canvas the vicinity in which the reported attack took place.

Within half a dozen blocks from where the incident allegedly happened, the officer who was reportedly assaulted helped to detain the man they believed was responsible for the damage.

41-year-old John B. Russell, a Portland resident, was identified and accused of the acts.

The officer that was the reported victim of the assault disclosed that he spotted the car behind him before the event, and he suspected he was intentionally being trailed.

When he was searched by the police, Russell was reportedly holding many items the police believed were meant for causing trouble.

News sources reported that the man had a slingshot, rocks, a laser pointer, more than one knife, punch tools, and pepper spray purportedly used inside the police vehicle.

Russell was placed under arrest for the accusations, and he was booked into the Multnomah County Jail.

He is facing felony charges for suspicion of assault on a police officer, aggravated harassment, and first-degree criminal mischief.

Russell was held on $15,000 bail but has since been released from custody.

The officer involved in the alleged assault is recovering from the incident.

If you or someone you love is suspected of a criminal offense, contact Orange County criminal defense lawyer Staycie R. Sena at (949) 477-8088 for a consultation now.

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