
Potential Zombie Victim Hijacked Water Truck for Asylum

When a woman believed she was being pursued by zombies, she took cover inside a delivery truck and allegedly tried to take the vehicle in an attempt to escape the undead predators.

A driver employed by Sparkletts was making his deliveries on Tuesday when he left his truck for a moment to drop off some water bottles at an Oklahoma Walmart store.

While collecting the store’s order off the truck, the driver said that he heard what sounded like the door of the vehicle slamming shut. Upon inspection of the sound, he said that a woman was inside of the vehicle, which reportedly also contained the keys and his phone. The woman had already proceeded to lock herself in the cab before he could prevent it.

The driver reported that he interacted with the woman, who purportedly declined his attempts to get her out of the vehicle, and she allegedly said that she needed the truck to get away from zombies that were chasing her.

The man called the authorities as the woman allegedly wrestled with trying to escape perceived danger in the vehicle, but the parking break inhibited its motion.

The police arrived at the scene and reported that they, too, were unable to get the woman, identified as 27-year-old Tamanda Billings, to exit the truck. It was recorded in the incident report that they felt it was necessary to break a window in order to detain Billings due to her alleged lack of cooperation.

Billings, who news sources reported had just been freed from incarceration for drug charges related to methamphetamine, was taken back to jail where she is facing charges for auto theft, and trespassing, due to her alleged foiled flight in the Sparkletts truck.

She has additionally been charged with receiving stolen property based on allegations that the police located the driver’s phone that was left inside of the truck on Billings during her processing.

If you or someone you love is suspected of a crime, contact Orange County criminal defense lawyer Staycie R. Sena at (949) 477-8088 for a consultation now.

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