
Shirtless Drunk Man Tried Stealing Autos from Auction Lot

A shirtless, intoxicated man was arrested in a Virginia auto auction lot after allegedly trying to steal multiple vehicles while trespassing on the premises.

Just before midnight on May 23, a man strolled onto the property of the Manheim Fredericksburg Wholesale Auto Auction though signs were reportedly clearly posted to inform the public that only authorized personnel were permitted to be on the lot. Employees spotted the alleged trespasser, who was not wearing a shirt, and they notified the authorities.

It was reported that they watched as he allegedly sat in the driver’s seat of a Toyota. Afterward, he got out and switched to a Ford F-150, but this time he started the ignition and began driving. At the same time, a deputy with the Stafford County Sheriff’s Office arrived.

When the deputy turned on the light bar on his vehicle, the man in the truck reportedly jumped out while it was still moving. The vehicle stopped after losing momentum by crashing into several cars parked on the lot. The driver allegedly forced the deputy to run after him, and he was able to get away.

Additional deputies showed up, and after first hiding in a semi, the suspect kept moving until he reached a barbed wire fence. According to reports, he surrendered and got caught on the fence. When the deputies helped him get down, they asserted that he was intoxicated.

The man was taken into custody and booked into the Rappahannock Regional Jail. He is facing preliminary charges for two counts of attempted grand larceny, two counts of obstruction of justice, driving under the influence, hit and run, trespassing, and eluding police, in addition to being served on two warrants. Currently, he is being held without bond.

If you or someone you love is suspected of a criminal offense, contact Orange County criminal defense lawyer Staycie R. Sena at (949) 477-8088 for a consultation now.

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