
Suspect Injured Elderly Woman During Dispute About Netflix

In the midst of an argument involving the internet, a golden-ager was allegedly the victim of physical harm administered by a much younger woman.

A retired woman who reportedly enjoys devoting time to viewing the streaming content on Netflix was recently allegedly involved in a scuffle regarding the duration of time in which she indulges in the activity.

While using a tablet that belonged to 33-year-old Crystal Ortiz for her purported binge-watching, the owner of the device allegedly confronted the woman about her issue with the situation.

The climax of the incident reportedly played out when Ortiz tried to take back her tablet and allegedly put her hands on the woman in the process.

When an officer was collecting information about the reported happenings, the alleged victim issued her side of the story and it was noted that she had visible black-and-blue markings on her wrist. The woman also said that her necklace was torn off her and damaged in the altercation.

Ortiz’s freedom has been temporarily put on hiatus as she was placed under arrest and charged for implications of domestic battery on a person 65 or older, which is classified as a felony. She was ordered to satisfy a bond in the amount of $2500 for her release.

If you or someone you love is suspected of domestic violence, contact Orange County criminal defense lawyer Staycie R. Sena at (949) 477-8088 for a consultation now.

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