Articles Tagged with battery

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A Florida man with a gun is facing felony charges after being accused of violently raping a woman he saw laying on the ground after she refused to have sex with him.

On the afternoon of July 15, a 29-year-old man and his wife saw a woman with whom he was acquainted walking down a street in Summerfield. Later, the man reportedly took a ride in his truck and found her lying on the sidewalk. He allegedly asked her if she would have sex with him if he paid her $100, and she declined.

According to reports, while he allegedly had a revolver in his hand, the man began brutally assaulting the woman as he raped her. During the alleged attack, someone heard a woman who sounded like she needed help. When they walked over to try to assist, the suspect hurriedly left in a green truck.

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A man at a beach celebration was accused of kidnapping and sexual offenses after driving away with a young girl who was talking to him about his dog when she allegedly got into his car.

On April 15, visitors of Memorial Beach on Websters Lake in Webster, Massachusetts, were taking part in a celebration in honor of Patriots’ Day. There is a park on the beach, and a girl under the age of 14 was hanging out in the area. It was reported that while she was there, she began talking to a man about the dog he had with him.

The girl reportedly accompanied the 68-year-old man and his dog to his car and got into the passenger seat. The man reportedly drove off with the youngster and allegedly told her he needed to make a stop so he could drop off his pet. They reportedly went to a few different places before the man dropped her off at home and told her he would be back at the beach the next day.

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When his wife refused to allow him to drive, a Florida man allegedly caused her to bleed by hitting her repeatedly in the head and face.

April 12, a married couple from Largo were reportedly at odds over the man, age 78, should be allowed to drive their vehicle. According to his wife, also age 78, his driving privileges were previously suspended, and she was trying to keep him safe. They began to argue, and when the woman held her stance, the domestic unrest reportedly intensified.

According to reports, the woman’s husband became so upset that he allegedly began hitting her in the face and head. Her nose and one of her eyes started bleeding, purportedly because of the alleged battery. The man’s wife of over half a century called 911 to report the situation and request police intervention. While she was on the phone, the man allegedly told her to shut up.

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A man was arrested at a Western Florida Walgreens on Easter Sunday after allegedly hitting a store manager with a Bible after being asked to leave the premises.

Late in the evening on March 31, a 35-year-old man went to a Walgreens Pharmacy in Clearwater intending to buy a pair of headphones. After choosing his desired item, the man encountered a store employee and reportedly had an unpleasant verbal encounter with her regarding the headphones.

The reason for the spat was not recorded in the police report, but the situation caught the store manager’s attention and she decided to tell the man to get out of the store. He was reportedly holding a Bible when she walked up to him, and after ordering him to depart from the premises, the man allegedly hit her in the face with the book of religious texts. Afterward, he complied with the manager’s demand and walked out the door.

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A married high school teacher in Mississippi was arrested after allegedly having an affair with a student that he reportedly planned to take out of state so they could be wed.

According to reports, last Spring, a 38-year-old physics teacher at Ocean Springs High School and a 17-year-old female student allegedly engaged in a relationship involving sex. Occasionally, the man allegedly took the teen to his Fort Bayou Estates home, and at other times they reportedly parked in a Walmart parking lot to engage in sexual relations.

The pair reportedly decided to leave the state and go to Louisiana so they could get married, even though the man has a wife and a young child.

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A Florida man was arrested for domestic battery after he allegedly used sausage as a ranged weapon and struck his wife with it during an argument.

It was reported that on the afternoon of December 2, a 64-year-old woman and her 61-year-old husband were together at their St. Petersburg, Florida, residence when they found themselves embroiled in an argument. According to the arrest affidavit, it was believed that the man had been drinking alcohol, but whether the police believe it may have played a part in the alleged incident is unknown.

It was additionally reported that the fight, in which the details of what caused it were not disclosed, started getting more heated, and the man allegedly grabbed sausage and threw it in the direction of his wife. The meat product reportedly hit the woman in the face.

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A man in Florida is facing a felony charge for allegedly knocking down his 75-year-old wife by pelting her with a package of Oreo cookies during an argument about the coffee maker.

On the morning of November 18, a 70-year-old man and his wife, 75, were in their home in Sorrento, Florida, when an argument broke out between the couple. The coffee machine did not have any water in it, and the man allegedly began to yell at his wife. During the verbal battle, the man allegedly picked up a package of Oreo cookies and threw it. The package reportedly struck his wife in the chest, and she fell on the ground.

The following morning, the woman told her daughter about the incident, and her daughter told her to call the police since the man has reportedly been violent before. The woman went to her daughter’s house and notified the authorities.

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A Florida police officer was arrested and jailed after allegedly pelting his wife with a McDonald’s cheeseburger and punching her in the head during a domestic dispute.

According to reports, a 34-year-old officer with the Miami-Dade Police Department recently got into a serious spat with his wife of three years in their Miramar home. The couple, who have been together for eight years in total, have children together.

Late in the afternoon on August 10, the man and his wife began to argue. It was reported that one of the reasons for the fight was suspected infidelity. Finances were an additional issue fueling the fire.

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Two arrests were made when a pair of Florida women reportedly got into a fight at a party last summer over stolen liquor and vape pens, and one of them bit the ear off of the other.

Last year on Independence Day, a group of underage teens held a 4th of July party at a home in Callaway, Florida, and it was reported that no adult chaperones were present.

An 18-year-old and her 14-year-old cousin were in attendance, as was the 23-year-old woman who lived next door. As the night progressed into the early morning hours, some of the men at the party began to fight. It escalated until things became physical.

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According to reports, the police found and arrested a hitchhiker that they found hiding in a homeowner’s shed after he allegedly tried to hijack two cars. 

Early in the morning on April 7, a man from Cahokia Heights, Illinois, was reportedly hitchhiking in Fairview Heights. 

Someone saw the man and decided to offer him a ride. When he got into the vehicle, the hitchhiker allegedly tried to hijack the car, but the driver overpowered him. 

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