
Victim Paralyzed From Fight at McDonald’s

A man involved in a brutal fight with employees of a McDonald’s may be paralyzed for the rest of his life as a result of the assault.

62-year-old Marc Conn and his girlfriend Billie Joe Goldsworthy visited a McDonald’s located in Pittsburgh on Monday night.

While the couple was inside the restaurant, Conn reportedly began to argue with another patron. During the altercation, Conn tried to protect his girlfriend and remove her from harm’s way, and the employees of the establishment reportedly decided to intervene.

In a video of the incident that was captured by cell phone, employee Kaniya Martin appears as if she is trying to stop the customers from fighting when she was allegedly assaulted by Conn and Goldsworthy.

24-year-old Roneese Davis, another employee of the restaurant, was shown rushing up to Martin and the couple before the two workers joined together to remove Conn and Goldsworthy from the store. When they crossed the threshold of the doorway, Conn and Goldsworthy were seen as they lay on the ground after the workers allegedly shoved them down.

The recording showed the fight between Conn, Goldsworthy, Martin, and Davis continuing outside the store, and Goldsworthy was reportedly pepper-sprayed and punched.

When Conn tried to grab Goldsworthy to give her assistance Davis allegedly began to strike him in the skull until he lost consciousness.

Conn was taken to the hospital and was reportedly severely injured during the altercation. The man is said to be paralyzed and in critical condition due to the damage to his spine.

The authorities are still investigating the incident, but Davis has been charged with aggravated assault for her alleged involvement.

Martin is facing charges for suspicion of simple assault for the accusations that she was responsible for the brawl with Goldsworthy.

Mayor Bill Peduto gave an interview to a local television statement and said that he believes that there are unknown factors in the cause of the incident because he does not believe the employees were intentionally planning to “start a rampage” without reason.

If you or someone you love is suspected of assault, contact Orange County criminal defense lawyer Staycie R. Sena at (949) 477-8088 for a consultation now.

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