
Woman Swallows Evidence of Crime and Sells It Later

Angele Hardman allegedly walked into a Macy’s store and asked the clerk to try on a valuable, $4000 ring. When the ring seemed to get stuck on her finger, the clerk attempted to remove it with water and lotion. When the clerk’s back was turned, Hardman allegedly took off the ring and swallowed it. She then was reported to have presented the clerk with a fake copy of the same ring.

The clerk immediately noticed the discrepancy and called store security. Hardman was searched, but because the ring was not found among her belongings, she was released. After reviewing surveillance video, the store contacted police, and detectives arrived at her home for the purpose of investigating the incident.

Hardman allegedly admitted to police that she swallowed the ring and after the “natural digestive process” took place, she supposedly took the ring to a pawn shop and sold it. Hardman was then charged with alleged retail theft and investigators are working with the pawn shop to have the ring returned to the store.

If you are accused of committing a crime, it is natural, human response to talk to investigators in an attempt to clear your name, especially if you know you are innocent of the charges. Unfortunately, police are trained to use what you say against you, and you may be arrested anyway. When police or investigators ask to speak to you about a crime they think you committed, always politely decline, stating that you wish to speak to a criminal defense attorney first. For the best representation, call Orange County criminal defense attorney Staycie R. Sena at (949) 477-8088. 

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