
Women Concocted Discounts by Switching Price Tags on Items

Two women have been accused of ripping off Walmart for hundreds of dollars of merchandise by allegedly switching price tags and failing to scan many items at the self-checkout station.

On May 27, two women were shopping together at a Walmart in Ocala, Florida, and they used the self-checkout lanes when they were ready to leave. They concluded the transaction and headed towards the door with their cart full of merchandise.

A store employee noticed what they believed was suspicious activity taking place when the women were scanning the items they planned to purchase. They thought the women did not scan several of the items in their cart.

The pair were intercepted by store employees, and the Marion County Sheriff’s Office was notified about the alleged shoplifting attempt.

Deputies were sent to the store, and they reported that the store provided them with surveillance footage recorded at the time the women were checking out.

When the video was reviewed, it was believed that the items had their tags switched with tags from items that cost less. They also asserted that many items were bagged without being scanned.

It was reported that the women talked to a deputy and said it was possible some items had the incorrect codes, and that they might have been accidentally scanned, but that they did not steal anything.

The store reported a total loss of $876.26 and believed the women were responsible for a shoplifting that occurred earlier in the month.

Both suspects were taken into custody and booked into the Marion County Jail. They are each facing charges for one count of felony grand theft (over $300 but less than $1000), and one count of misdemeanor first-degree petit theft. They are each being held on a $3000 bond and are both scheduled to appear in court at the end of June.

The authorities discovered that neither of the suspects has a prior criminal record.

If you or someone you love is suspected of a criminal offense, contact Orange County criminal defense lawyer Staycie R. Sena at (949) 477-8088 for a consultation now.

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