Articles Tagged with surveillance

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A Florida man was arrested after reportedly misidentifying and shooting at a Walmart delivery drone because he allegedly believed it was a surveillance drone.

On the afternoon of June 26, a Walmart store in Clermont was testing a new drone delivery system in a local residential neighborhood. Agents from the company “DroneUp,” who provide the drones to Walmart, were promoting the company by showing what they can do, and they sent it out on some fake deliveries to demonstrate.

During the event, a man spotted the drone as it flew over his home and reportedly became suspicious of it. He allegedly decided to respond to the purported infringement on his personal space by shooting the device with a handgun. The DroneUp staff immediately left when they heard the bang.

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Two women from southeastern Michigan have been accused of a theft scam spanning several states after they were reportedly found with thousands of dollars worth of products presumed to have been stolen from retail outlets.

According to reports, the authorities learned that stores in at least six states had been targeted by thieves. During the initial phase of the investigation, they reviewed surveillance footage of the parking lots and saw what looked like the same car at each location. They believed they identified the vehicle being used by the involved parties, but the search for the alleged perpetrators continued.

On the morning of June 17, a crime investigator from Lowe’s in Elizabethtown, Kentucky called the authorities to report a theft of approximately $1,000 in products. It was believed that the two women accused of the incident were in the car seen in the parking lots of the other stores that were allegedly targeted.

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A Florida Department of Children and Families family care manager was arrested after being accused of getting rough and aggressive with a foster child in his care.

According to reports, the 44-year-old man works for Kids Central, a non-profit agency that specializes in working with abused children and aids DCF. On April 24, he was watching an 11-year-old girl who had not yet been assigned to a full-time foster family. She was initially working with a female case manager, and the woman asked her colleague if he would sit with the girl while she used the restroom.

The woman came back and reportedly saw the youngster crying on a sofa. She alleged that she heard her coworker say something like “You’re not going to pull that (expletive),” and she assumed he was speaking to the girl.

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A Texas woman was arrested when she reportedly hit a man with her car after he confronted her for allegedly stealing mail out of strangers’ mailboxes.

Early in the evening on March 4, a man was taking a stroll in a San Antonio gated community when he reportedly saw two females going through mailboxes that lined the street. He tried to confront the pair, but they reportedly got in their vehicle and took off.

According to reports, another person driving in the community tried to prevent the women from leaving by blocking the car. The 35-year-old driver allegedly thwarted their attempt, but the man they initially interacted with was still standing nearby. The woman reportedly hit him with the vehicle she was driving before leaving the scene.

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A 37-year-old Christian school teacher is facing serious charges after allegedly trying to poison her husband by adding toxic plant powder to his food and drinks.

Last year, a mother of two who lives in Jefferson City, Missouri, with the youngsters and her husband was allegedly having an extramarital affair with an individual from Pakistan.

According to reports, last November, the woman, an artist who was a part-time design and art teacher at Calvary Lutheran High School, started adding lily of the valley to her husband’s food and drinks. Lily of the valley is dangerous to humans if they ingest it, and it can lead to sickness and death.

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A man who went into the bathroom at a Florida Walmart store reportedly found someone’s cell phone and allegedly used it to make a false report to the authorities, saying there was a bomb at the location.

On the afternoon of January 12, a man in a Port Charlotte Walmart entered the bathroom. While there, he reportedly discovered a cell phone sitting out, but no one else was in the restroom. The man had allegedly seen several videos on TikTok showing people going into stores and calling in fake bomb threats. He reportedly dialed 911, and after a dispatcher answered he said there was a bomb in the store. It was noted in the police report that he ended the call by saying “tic toc tic toc.”

Law enforcement from the Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office went to the location to investigate. When they arrived, they saw the rightful owner of the phone, and he told them he was able to digitally track the device’s location to the Walmart bathroom where he had been shortly before the call was placed.

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A Florida man who has prior felony convictions was reportedly holding a sex toy and wearing a dress when he allegedly tried to break into a woman’s home in St. Petersburg.

Just after 1:00 AM on December 15, a 69-year-old woman was at her home on the Gulf Coast when someone approached the door on the side of the house. The surveillance camera was turned on, and it reportedly recorded an individual wearing a dress with what appeared to be an erect penis in their hand. According to the police report, the alleged intruder went to the front of the residence and attempted to “open the front door by pulling down on the door handle.” He also allegedly grinded against the door and then departed from the property.

Four days later, someone believed to be the same person went into the woman’s yard, and before the police arrived, they ran off.

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A Florida man’s uncle is facing a felony after buying him a sandwich and allegedly poisoning it by dousing it in Visine eye drops to make him sick.

On the evening of December 13, a man went to a convenience store in Pinellas Park that he visits regularly. When he was talking to the clerk, he reportedly told them he was suffering from dry eyes. He asked to purchase a bottle of Visine. The man started to discuss the tense relationship he has with his nephew, with whom he resides and allegedly expressed hatred towards him.

The man reportedly opened a container holding a meatball sandwich and started pouring the Visine all over the food. The clerk, who reportedly saw the man dousing the sandwich with the eye drops, said he tried to tell him it could cause someone harm if they ingested the food.

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A man in Southwest Florida was arrested for allegedly burglarizing a yacht and pooping off the side of the vessel, leaving a pile of excrement on the dock.

Just before 5:30 AM on September 17, someone boarded a 40-foot yacht docked at the Laishley Park Marina in Punta Gorda without permission from the vessel’s owner, who was sleeping. While onboard, the person allegedly wandered around and rifled through the personal belongings on the boat. It was believed that some of the items might have been stolen.

The alleged victim looked at the surveillance camera footage, and they notified the authorities about the incident. They told the police that the video clearly shows a man rooting around their yacht, and then dropping trou before defecating on the dock next to the vessel.

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The former facility director of a Georgia daycare was arrested for allegedly physically abusing a 4-year-old who was left in her care.

The Sunshine Child Learning Center is a daycare facility in Snellville. The director of the facility was, until recently, a 67-year-old woman who began working there in 2019.

On September 8, an incident reportedly occurred between the director and a 4-year-old child who had been coming to the center for 3 years. According to reports, the child was on the floor when the woman allegedly struck him several times in the head. She allegedly picked him up off the floor and shook him violently before tossing him back onto the ground.

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