
Deputy Arrested For Sex With High School Student

A Minnesota deputy who provided security services at a high school has been accused of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old student while he was on duty and wearing his uniform.

Shevlin resident Neil H. Dolan has been tenured with the Clearwater County Sheriff’s Office for nearly 10-years. The 31-year-old deputy also serves as a school resource officer and an assistant football coach at Bagley High School in Bagley, Minnesota.

It was reported by a parent of the girl involved in the allegations that Bagley had a friendly rapport with the students where he appeared to relate with them, often giving them high-fives when they passed each other on campus. It was additionally reported that several of the families with kids enrolled at the school included Bagley in their celebrations at their homes.

On June 1, 2017, the last day of school for the term, Bagley was inside of his office on the campus. A teenage student reportedly entered his workspace, and while she was there she alleged that Bagley took advantage of her sexually.

The girl reported the incident to the authorities and stated that there was penetration involved in the allegedly unwanted encounter with Bagley, and on November 19, the sheriff alerted the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension about the accusation.

Bagley was arrested for the allegations and he is facing charges for suspicion of felony first-and-third degree criminal sexual conduct. He was released from custody after posting an ordered bond.

When the school officials learned about the charges they were reportedly rather surprised to hear that someone with such a stellar reputation at their institution was accused of sexual assault. In light of the charges, the school placed Bagley on administrative leave.

Bagley is scheduled to appear in court for the charges at the beginning of December, and if he is convicted he could face a prison sentence of up to 45-years.

If you or someone you love is suspected of a sexual offense, contact Orange County criminal defense lawyer Staycie R. Sena at (949) 477-8088 for a consultation now.

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