Articles Tagged with high school

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A high school football coach in South Carolina who was arrested for a DUI in the Spring is facing new legal troubles after being taken into custody for an alleged domestic violence incident involving his fiancée. 

On May 4, a man who has been a head football coach at Midland Valley High School in the Aiken County Public Schools District was arrested for allegedly driving under the influence with a BAC under .10%. This week, he was arrested again after he was accused of being abusive during a situation that occurred when he and his fiancée went out to dinner.

The couple, who share a local residence, went to a restaurant on the evening of July 6. While there, they had a disagreement, leading to the woman hailing an Uber to take her home. When her fiancé arrived, the situation reportedly intensified. The man allegedly ordered her to leave the home, reportedly shoved her to the ground, and took her driver’s license and debit card. When she started to call the police, the man allegedly tried to grab her phone.

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A Boston high school crossing guard was arrested twice in the same day for first allegedly assaulting a woman with a sign, and later attacking two local news cameramen.

On June 3, a 68-year-old man who works as a high school crossing guard for the Taunton Public School District was on duty when he spotted a car stopped in front of him. He approached the vehicle and reportedly became aggressive with the driver, who was dropping her daughter off at school. The woman said she had been sneezing and had to stop for a moment, and he allegedly got loud with her and insisted she move the car immediately.

The situation escalated, and the man allegedly thrust the sign he was holding through the window on the passenger side where the 12-year-old girl was sitting. Her mother got out of the car, and the crossing guard allegedly knocked her down and kicked her while she was on the ground.

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The driver of a full school bus of individuals going on a high school field trip was accused of driving under the influence when he allegedly ran three red lights and ignored the pleas of the riders by refusing to stop the vessel.

On the evening of March 25, the Sebring High School set out on a trip to Daytona Beach for “Project Graduation.” The attendees were driven in two Holiday Coach Lines shuttle buses. One of the parents was going on the trip and was traveling along with the buses but riding in their own vehicle.

It was reported that one of the buses was driven by a 55-year-old man, and he had approximately 30 graduating seniors and four chaperones on board. Six of the passengers were underage. They began the journey at approximately 6:30 PM, and before long, the riders started wondering if there was something wrong with the driver.

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The father of a high school student in New Jersey is facing multiple charges after he allegedly got aggressive with students who he believed had been harassing his daughter.

Late in the morning on March 11, the father of a girl who attends Paulsboro High School in Gloucester County reportedly decided to go to the campus to take his daughter out of her classroom. According to reports, the man believed another student had been giving her a hard time.

It was reported that when the man got to the school, instead of just picking up his daughter, he reportedly walked into the classroom and confronted the boy he believed was bothering her, insisting that the student owed his daughter an apology. The teen told the allegedly angry dad that he didn’t do anything wrong. The man allegedly responded with foul language and insisted that he apologize. When another student in the class tried to get involved on behalf of his classmate, the man allegedly began yelling at him, as well. It was speculated that the man grabbed the student by the arm during the encounter.

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A records clerk from a Florida high school was arrested last week after she was accused of driving under the influence and possession of illegal substances when she was pulled over by the police.

On the evening of August 31, a woman who works as a records and data clerk at Escambia High School was driving her vehicle locally, and she caught the attention of an on-duty deputy.

According to reports, the law enforcement officer saw her car weaving from lane to lane, and “she was unable to maintain a consistent speed.” The deputy performed a traffic stop on the vehicle.

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A former substitute teacher who is the wife of a police chief in Oklahoma is facing felony charges for allegedly taking part in a sexual relationship with one of her teenage students.

Last October, a woman who was working as a substitute teacher for the Wellston Public School district was teaching at Wellston High School.

The woman, who is married to the chief of police, reportedly sent a text message to a 15-year-old student about a school assignment.

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Two school bus drivers at a central West Virginia high school were involved in a situation where one of them was arrested for driving with students on board while allegedly highly intoxicated, and both were fired. 

At the conclusion of the school day on March 8, one of the school bus drivers had their vehicle filled with a total of 50 students from Gauley River Elementary and Richwood High School that he was driving home. 

According to reports, the driver spoke to a second driver before departing on his route, and he allegedly told him he felt like he was too intoxicated to drive. The other driver reportedly did not try to prevent him from leaving with the bus full of kids. 

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A temp cafeteria worker at a Louisiana high school was arrested and charged after allegedly selling homemade marijuana edibles to some of the students. 

Last week, a woman from Kentwood who was placed as a temporary worker by the ESS Staffing Agency in the cafeteria at Sumner High School in the Tangipahoa Parish School System reportedly brought home baked sweets to the campus. 

It was reported that one of the students at the school bought a treat from the woman, and they believed the woman was selling handcrafted marijuana edibles. 

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A Texas high school student was jailed for several charges when he allegedly injured an officer with scissors after he was reportedly found with THC vape oil on campus. 

On January 18, a 17-year-old student at China Spring High School was reportedly seen passing an object to a fellow classmate while they were together in the bathroom.  

The Independent School District officer who reportedly witnessed the hand-off believed that the item looked like a vape pen. 

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A high school social studies teacher in New Jersey is facing sex charges after he reportedly rented a hotel room to have intimate relations with an underage former student.

According to reports, a man from Absecon, New Jersey, who has been a public employee for approximately thirteen years is employed as a social studies teacher at Atlantic City High School.

It was reported that the instructor had been spending time with a 17-year-old student both outside of school and inside the classroom.

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