Articles Tagged with Clearwater

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A Florida woman was arrested after allegedly purchasing a magnet to assist her in stealing from a retail store in the mall by using it to remove security devices from the clothing and merchandise.

Just before midnight on June 27, an officer with the Clearwater Police Department pulled over a moped with a female passenger. When he approached, he identified the passenger as someone with an active arrest warrant from Oklahoma. The officer let the woman know she was being detained, and he noticed she was holding several bags. When he began looking through them, the officer became suspicious when he thought he saw clothing that still had the security tags attached. He looked through the rest of the bags, which also reportedly had locked tags affixed, and allegedly discovered many additional pieces of merchandise that he believed had been stolen. While inspecting the contents of her purse, the officer reportedly found a large magnet.

According to reports, when discussing what was found, the woman told the officer she purchased the magnet on Amazon, and that she was able to use it to take the security tags off items. She allegedly said she took the items she was holding from the Clearwater Mall location of Burlington Coat Factory by simply walking out of the store and planned to use the magnet to take the tags off later.

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A man was arrested at a Western Florida Walgreens on Easter Sunday after allegedly hitting a store manager with a Bible after being asked to leave the premises.

Late in the evening on March 31, a 35-year-old man went to a Walgreens Pharmacy in Clearwater intending to buy a pair of headphones. After choosing his desired item, the man encountered a store employee and reportedly had an unpleasant verbal encounter with her regarding the headphones.

The reason for the spat was not recorded in the police report, but the situation caught the store manager’s attention and she decided to tell the man to get out of the store. He was reportedly holding a Bible when she walked up to him, and after ordering him to depart from the premises, the man allegedly hit her in the face with the book of religious texts. Afterward, he complied with the manager’s demand and walked out the door.

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When a woman learned she was going to be held at a mental health facility involuntarily, she allegedly struck one of the attending nurses and said psych nurses should expect they will be hit by patients while on the job.

On February 7, a 32-year-old woman was taken to BayCare Behavioral Health at Morton Plant Hospital in Clearwater, Florida, for a psychiatric evaluation. They did not reveal the source of the call, but the police report noted that the woman was brought to the unit after “a separate call for service.”

After the woman was brought into a hospital room, she was given a gown and told to take off her street clothing and put it on. She inquired about whether Florida’s Baker Act was why she was being admitted. The University of Florida (UC Health) defined the act, which has been in effect since 1972, as a “law that enables families and loved ones to provide emergency mental health services and temporary detention for people who are impaired because of their mental illness, and who are unable to determine their needs for treatment.”

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A Florida man was caught with his pants down while he defecated upon the dead body of an opossum in the middle of rush hour traffic.

According to reports, just before 5:30 PM on November 15, an officer from the Clearwater Police Department was on duty and driving down a busy street, where there were many cars backed up during the rush hour.

It was reported that a man, who was also allegedly backed up, was walking on the road when he came across an opossum that had been run over by a vehicle. He reportedly pulled down his pants and exposed himself from the waist down, leaving himself visible to the traffic in the area. The officer spotted the person, and they reported that he was squatting with the dead opossum underneath him when he began to poop on the carcass.

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A Florida man may face battery charges after allegedly pelting pharmacy workers with Snickers candy bars during a dispute over their refusal to sell him cigarettes.

In the early morning hours of September 4, a male customer walked into a Walgreens in Clearwater to purchase a pack of cigarettes. He approached the checkout counter and asked the employee for a pack of 305 brand cigarettes.

Walgreens has a policy requiring identification for the purchase of cigarettes, and the clerk asked the man to display his card. It was reported that he did not have his legal ID on him at the time, but he had a photograph of the card. He presented the picture, but the employee said they were unable to accept anything other than the ID itself.

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A Florida man was arrested and charged after allegedly masturbating at the shared pool in his apartment complex and allowing pornographic material to play on a Bluetooth speaker.

Around 8:00 PM on May 7th, a male resident of the Palms of Clearwater apartment homes reportedly went to the recreational area where the complex’s shared pool is located. He allegedly made himself extra comfortable and pulled down his pants.

According to reports, he had access to a Bluetooth speaker, and the man reportedly paired his cell phone to the device. He allegedly began playing pornographic material on the phone and allowing the sound to go through the speaker. He reportedly watched the video and began to touch himself sexually.

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An 18-year-old Florida woman was arrested for domestic violence after allegedly physically assaulting her 65-year-old boyfriend causing him to bleed from his injuries. 

Just after 10:00 p.m. on April 9, a woman, 18, and her 65-year-old boyfriend of four months were together at their shared residence in Clearwater. 

According to reports, something caused the woman to physically attack her beau. She allegedly punched him in the body and head, in addition to throwing him on the ground in the front yard. 

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A woman’s Christmas morning was reportedly less than peaceful when she and her boyfriend had a dispute and the man allegedly struck her in the head with an angel figurine. 

At approximately 7:00 AM on December 25, a woman and her boyfriend were spending the holiday morning together at a home in Clearwater, Florida. 

The couple, who have reportedly been dating on and off for just under a decade, reportedly got into a disagreement. 

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A man shopping at a Pinellas County Dollar Tree store with his wife allegedly slapped a store employee working at the checkout across the face after the woman called his spouse a “Karen.” 

On the evening of November 30, a Florida man and his wife went shopping at a Dollar Tree store in Clearwater. 

When they finished collecting their items and went to the checkout counter, the woman and the cashier began to engage in a verbal disagreement. It was reported that plastic grocery bags were the cause of the spat. 

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A Florida man is facing criminal charges after allegedly hitting his girlfriend with a cheeseburger so hard that it caused her physical injuries. 

It is reported that 41-year-old James Hunt has a 53-year-old girlfriend and the pair lives together, but they are currently without permanent housing. 

On the evening of August 13, Hunt and his girlfriend reportedly visited a Burger King in Clearwater. 

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