
Grocery Clerk Choked For Careless Bagging

The checkout cashier at a grocery store was the reported victim of an assault after a customer allegedly physically lashed out when he got upset about how his purchases were bagged.

In early February, 55-year-old Bradley Bower and his wife were grabbing some groceries at a Giant Food Store in New Cumberland.

Quite a few bags of chips were in Bowers’ cart amongst the other items, and as he was checking out he said that the clerk was haphazardly tossing his groceries into bags causing damage to his snacks.

Bower, who later reportedly told the authorities that his patience was tested by his difficult day, asked the cashier to stop manhandling the groceries when he noticed that his chips were being crushed in a bag by canned foods.

The employee and Bower reportedly exchanged a few snarky words as the transaction completed, and the cashier was said to have directed Bower to a manager if he felt he was dissatisfied with the service.

Bower allegedly approached the clerk and used his hand against the man’s throat area while pushing him against the cash register and calling him an idiot.

Management detained Bower in the store’s office and called the police who arrived and took statements from all of the involved parties.

The affidavit states that Bower reportedly admitted to putting his hand on the alleged victim’s throat and was recorded as saying that he knew it wasn’t the right way to handle it.

The cashier, who said he didn’t need any medical intervention, allegedly had redness on his throat and it was purported by the police that Bower had caused it by assaulting the man.

Because of the alleged choking of the clerk, Bower is facing a simple criminal assault charge that he was issued through a summons.

If you or someone you love is suspected of assault, contact Orange County criminal defense lawyer Staycie R. Sena at (949) 477-8088 for a consultation now.

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