
HOA President Pulled Shotgun on Kids for Fishing on Property

A Florida lawyer who serves as the president of a homeowners association is facing charges after allegedly pulling a shotgun on children who were fishing at a lake in the housing community.

On April 14, three children, ages 7, 10, and 15, went to a lake in the Stillwater Lakes subdivision, where they had gone fishing on several prior occasions. They brought their poles and gear with the intention of doing so again.

A 56-year-old man, later revealed to be the president of the subdivision’s homeowners association, reportedly angrily approached the youngsters while carrying a shotgun and told them to leave. He allegedly told them the property belonged to him. According to reports, he also threw their belongings in the forest and took a cell phone away from one of the children.

The youngsters told their parents what happened, and authorities were notified. Officers from the Palm Beach Police Department went to the location.

The suspect, who is an attorney at a self-titled law firm in Orlando, was taken into custody and booked into the Brevard County Jail. It was reported that he was released a short time later after posting a bond. He is facing charges of third-degree felony criminal mischief over $1,000, and third-degree felony grand theft.

It was reported that the estimated cost of the items the suspect allegedly damaged was $3,700.

The mother of one of the children spoke to a local news outlet and told them her son was afraid he was going to get shot by the man, and that the incident had left their whole family traumatized. She expressed that she did not understand why someone would use a gun in this type of situation.

If you or someone you love is suspected of a criminal offense, contact Orange County criminal defense lawyer Staycie R. Sena at (949) 477-8088 for a consultation now.

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