
Police Chased Jersey Teen with Stolen Gun onto Rooftop

A teenager in New Jersey was arrested on multiple charges after the police chased him onto the roof of a Housing Authority building and allegedly caught him with an illegal firearm.

Early in the evening on May 4, three men, ages 19, 20, and 21, were hanging out in Hoboken. The trio were reportedly in the hallway of a Housing Authority building.

Someone called the police and reported that they believed the group was loitering in the building, and officers headed to the site. When they got there, the officers saw them on the fourth floor in the stairwell and reported that they knew the men did not reside at the address.

When the 19-year-old spotted the police, he allegedly started to run. The officers gave him verbal commands to stop, but he reportedly kept going until he reached the building’s rooftop.

It was reported that after the police caught up with him, they found a stolen firearm and ammunition nearby. They assumed the suspect left it there so he would not get caught with it.

The man was taken into custody and processed at the Hoboken Police Headquarters on suspicion of a multitude of preliminary charges. Currently, they include burglary in possession of a firearm, possession of weapons for unlawful purposes, unlawful possession of a weapon, possession of a prohibited weapon (large capacity magazine), receiving handgun ammunition, obstruction of the administration of law, obstruction of the administration of the law for discarding a firearm, resisting arrest, and theft of property which is lost, mislaid, or delivered by mistake. He was sent to the Hudson County Correctional Facility where he was jailed.

The other two parties at the scene were each given a summons for defiant trespassing.

If you or someone you love is suspected of a criminal offense, contact Orange County criminal defense lawyer Staycie R. Sena at (949) 477-8088 for a consultation now.

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