
Manual Transmission Prevented Attempted Carjacking

When a man allegedly tried to carjack the vehicle of an elderly gentleman he found himself unable to complete the deed when he learned that the car was operated by stick shift.

Last Tuesday morning in Orlando, a man was behind his vehicle and in the process of storing his walker in the trunk.

Before he was able to finish, the man, who is reportedly over 65-years-old, was caught unaware when he was approached by someone who allegedly used force while slamming the trunk of his car down on him.

The alleged victim reported that he saw the perpetrator, later identified as 25-year-old Jaelyn Alexander, jump into the driver’s seat of his vehicle and try to start the engine.

The man said that as he watched the would-be thief in action, he began to suspect that Alexander did not know how to drive a stick shift. Each of the times the suspect allegedly attempted to start the car it immediately stalled.

It was disclosed that after Alexander reportedly came to terms with the fact that he was not going to have success with the alleged theft of the car with the manual transmission, he gave up and ran off.

Alexander allegedly made his way across the street where he found a vehicle with an automatic transmission, and he successfully drove away.

Orange County Sheriff’s deputies found Alexander shortly after and not too far from where the alleged theft took place, and he was taken into custody.

Alexander is facing charges for suspicion of carjacking, battery on a person over the age of 65, and grand theft.

If you or someone you love is suspected of a crime, contact Orange County criminal defense lawyer Staycie R. Sena at (949) 477-8088 for a consultation now.

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