
Articles Posted in refrigerator


Parents Charged for Severe Neglect of 7 Children

The parents of seven children in Pennsylvania are facing serious charges after allegedly forcing their children to live in deplorable conditions with caged rats and installing a lock on the refrigerator so they could not eat. According to reports, on April 23, the neighbor of a family with seven kids…


Classmates Hospitalized After 6-Year-Old Shared THC Gummies 

A mother in Michigan is facing felony charges after her 6-year-old accidentally brought THC-infused candy purported to be hers to school and shared it with classmates who required hospitalization after they ate it.  Melinda Gatica resides in Genessee County with her children.  Gaticia’s 6-year-old son attends kindergarten at Edgerton Elementary…


11-Year-Old Accosts Intruder in His Home

When a stranger entered a family home through an unlocked door early on Wednesday morning the 11-year-old boy who lives there approached him causing the man to leave the premises. Just after midnight on August 22, 11-year-old Nathan Markos was watching television while his parents were asleep, and he heard…

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