
Articles Posted in Westminster


Duo Accused of Biggest Disability Housing Fraud in OC History

When the authorities asserted that the pair worked together to steal almost $200,000 from county-based support programs, a Westminster woman and her daughter were accused of what was reported as the biggest case of housing fraud ever committed in Orange County. The Orange County Housing Authority and the Orange County…


Cosplay Joker’s Escape Plan Foiled by Police

A man dressed as Batman’s notorious archnemesis allegedly led the authorities from Westminster to Venice Beach where he was detained and charged with a felony. Around 3:00 pm on Saturday, a California Highway Patrol officer reportedly saw a sedan traveling down the 405 freeway that appeared as if it was…


Psychiatrist Indicted for Illegally Distributing Opioids

An Orange County psychiatrist who has been suspected of authorizing prescriptions for narcotics to people who were allegedly not in need of them for health reasons has declared that he is innocent of the charges. Westminster resident Dr. Robert Tinoco Perez is a 57-year-old psychiatrist with a practice that operates…


Westminster Man who Downloaded More Child Pornography While on Bond is Sentenced

Peter Herz, a 61-year old Westminster resident, pleaded guilty to a possession of child pornography charge in February. This offense is among many that are eligible for lifetime sex-offender registration. Before his arrest and incarceration, Herz reportedly had a job as a pianist and musical director for Laguna Beach’s “Pageant…


Carjacker Kidnaps Three Children

In a carjacking incident in Westminster the carjacker claims he was not aware of the three children inside the vehicle. The children’s father had left the car idling in a parking spot in front of a water store while he went inside, only expecting to be in there a short…

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