Articles Tagged with kidnapped

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A man in Florida is facing charges after he allegedly kidnapped and beat his girlfriend with a brass knuckle knife before leaving her injured and alone in the woods.

On the evening of May 9, a 33-year-old man and his girlfriend went out for some drinks, and when they went back to his Titusville residence they got into an argument. According to his girlfriend, the man gets angry easily when he has alcohol. The situation became intense, and the man allegedly brought his girlfriend to his vehicle and forced her to climb into the trunk.

He reportedly drove approximately 5 miles to the Salt Lake Wildlife Management Area with the woman trapped in the trunk. They reached a woodsy area, and the man pulled over and let his girlfriend out.

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A South Carolina man was accused of kidnapping his toddler son, driving across state lines, and jumping out of his moving vehicle after lighting it on fire with the child still inside.

On May 8, the 31-year-old father of a 3-year-old child went to the home in Belton where the boy resides with his mother, violating a domestic violence restraining order the woman obtained a week prior. According to reports, the man assaulted the woman and threatened their child’s life. Afterward, he allegedly took the child from the house and drove away.

The authorities were notified about the alleged assault and kidnapping, and they set out to locate the vehicle. When deputies in unmarked cars spotted the car, they followed it without the driver knowing. They trailed the man down the Interstate, and he eventually crossed the state line and entered Georgia.

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A couple from Florida reportedly drove to the West Coast where the man posed as an Amazon driver as part of an alleged plot to forcefully kidnap a child from the woman’s cousin.

Last month, a woman in Federal Way, Washington was notified by her cousin that she planned to visit soon and would bring clothes for one of the woman’s children. She also reportedly said she bought another one of the children an item online and would be there on February 20.

The day the gift was going to be delivered, the woman heard a knock, and before she opened the door, she looked through the window and saw someone wearing what she thought was a uniform. He was holding a box with the Amazon logo on it.

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A man in Nevada accused of torturing and sexually assaulting a woman he allegedly kidnapped reportedly told the police he is not a criminal when he was arrested for the allegations.

On November 16, a woman was rushed to the University Medical Center’s trauma unit in Las Vegas after the Clark County Fire Department found her outside and severely injured.

After she was seen by medical personnel, they reported that she had bruises all over her body, her knees forearm, leg, and a finger were fractured, and she had what appeared to be puncture marks on her legs. Some of her hair was missing, and the doctors believed that it had been burned off.

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A woman in Florida was reportedly held against her will, beaten, and sexually assaulted for several days after going to the home of a man she met on the Facebook Dating app.

On October 12, a woman who was forming a romantic relationship with someone she met on Facebook Dating went to his residence in Pensacola so they could spend time together. The following day, when she tried to leave, the man allegedly prevented her from doing so by holding her at gunpoint and threatening her life.

In the four days that she was at the man’s home, he allegedly hit her in the face several times and threatened to cause her additional physical injuries if she attempted to leave.

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A Jeanette, Pennsylvania woman is facing charges after reportedly faking her own disappearance.

At around 10:30 PM on May 1, a 23-year-old woman who works at Sonic left at the end of her work shift and drove home one of her coworkers in her Volkswagen Beetle.

According to reports, when the woman was on her way to her home, she sent a text message to her boyfriend telling him that she was being pulled over by the police. She mentioned that she was unsure about why it was happening.

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A man who rode in an Uber in Maryland is facing charges after allegedly physically and verbally abusing the driver.

Just before 4:00 PM on April 21, an Uber driver in a 2012 Hyundai Accent picked up a male passenger. The man wanted a ride to Baltimore City, but he asked the driver to make a few stops before they headed for the destination.

The man sat in the front passenger seat for the ride, and he reportedly began smoking what was believed to be narcotics. He also allegedly struck the driver in the head several times while they were on the road.

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After four people reportedly asked a man to join them at a residence for food and narcotics, they allegedly tied him up and tortured, assaulted, and waterboarded him.

On March 22, a man was invited by someone he knew to spend time eating and doing heroin with them at a home in South Bend, Indiana.

He accepted the invitation, and when he arrived, four people reportedly grabbed him and forced him into the basement. It was reported that two of them had guns. They allegedly used rope to tie him up before adding chains to help hold him in place.

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A man has been accused of spending six months physically and sexually abusing his roommate whom he allegedly held against her will.  

59-year-old Peter Anthony McGuire lives in Chino Hills, California. 

Towards the beginning of the year, McGuire had a 22-year-old woman move into his home as his roommate. 

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39-year-old James Larson Jr. was released from an 8-year prison term approximately two weeks ago. Since he was freed from the Oklahoma facility, Larson Jr. has been living at his father’s home in Lake Arrowhead, Missouri. 

During the second week of May, Larson Jr. was using a dating app when he made the acquaintance of a 31-year-old woman from Kansas City. 

According to reports, Larson Jr. invited the woman to come to his home for a visit. It is believed that she arrived on May 12. 

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