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Men Used Device to Steal 300 Gallons of Gas from Wawa

Two men in Southern Florida are facing charges after allegedly using a special device to help them steal over $1,000 worth of diesel gasoline that the authorities believe they were going to resell.

On the morning of July 19, two men in a van pulled into a West Palm Beach Wawa gas station and parked next to one of the diesel fuel pumps. According to reports, the pair were there for at least 20 minutes, and the unusually extended transaction time caught the attention of an asset protection specialist. When they realized the gas had been pumping the entire time, one of the employees at the location and the police were notified.

Officers from the West Palm Beach Police Department went to the location to investigate, and when they arrived, they found that the suspects were still there. They reported that the gasoline smell was strong when they approached the van. The vehicle was searched, and the officers reportedly found a device the men allegedly used to “bypass the circuitry” in the pump so the gas would flow without it registering on the meter. The gadget also appeared to have caused significant damage to the pump.

Upon further inspection, the police reported seeing a large tank in the van. They believed the suspects pumped the gas into the tank and surmised they planned to sell it for profit. They also reportedly discovered the van had a second gas tank.

The men were arrested and jailed in lieu of $15,000 bonds. They are each facing preliminary charges of retail fuel theft and criminal mischief. They have both been released from custody.

It was reported that a total of 295 gallons of diesel fuel was taken from the gas pump.

If you or someone you love is suspected of a theft offense, contact Orange County criminal defense lawyer Staycie R. Sena at (949) 477-8088 for a consultation now.

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