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Prison Nurse Smuggled Drug Filled Lasagna into Facility

A prison employee who brought a bowl of frozen lasagna to work was arrested when cocaine and marijuana were allegedly found hidden in between the layers of the pasta dish.

On the morning of July 3, a 46-year-old woman who has worked as a nursing assistant at the Indiana State Prison for over two decades headed to the facility for her shift. When she walked in, she was carrying a bowl of frozen lasagna. When entering the prison, items must be scanned with an X-ray machine. It was reported that something was seen in the lasagna that caught the attention of the officer when he viewed the image. A second officer inspected it and reported that they agreed something didn’t seem right. When she was asked for consent, the woman said she had no problem with them searching through the food, which she said she got from one of her friends. She also gave them permission to search her cell phone.

The authorities reported that they discovered three packages wrapped in electrical tape were hidden in the lasagna. When they tested the contents, they reported that they positively identified 84 grams of cocaine and 49 grams of marijuana. They asked the woman about the drugs, and she said she had no idea anything illegal was in the food.

Upon looking through the files in her phone, they allegedly saw photos of what looked like the same packages found in the lasagna. She became upset and said she was contacted by strangers who said if she did not pick up the packages and bring them to the prison, they would hurt her and her brother.

The woman was taken into custody. She is facing charges of two fifth-degree felony counts of drug trafficking with an inmate and she was released after posting a $1,500 bond. According to reports, the woman has pleaded not guilty to the charges.

If you or someone you love is suspected of a drug offense, contact Orange County criminal defense lawyer Staycie R. Sena at (949) 477-8088 for a consultation now.

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