Articles Tagged with rack

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A factory worker in Kentucky was hospitalized after her coworker allegedly locked her in a room with scalding steam and harsh chemicals.

On March 5, a woman who works at the Land-O-Frost factory in Madisonville was with a male employee inside the room where the racks are machine washed and sanitized. When her 23-year-old coworker walked out, the woman found the door, which only opens from the outside, was locked. There was a second door, but pallets were in front of it blocking its access. She could not get out before the rack washing machine was turned on, and 200-degree steam, and chemicals, filled the space and scalded her. She soon passed out, but she hit the emergency shut-off switch before she fell on the ground. The woman, who had injuries on her face, in addition to her head, was taken to a local hospital. It was reported that she was still being treated for a concussion the day after the incident occurred.

The authorities were notified, and officers from the Madisonville Police Department met with the alleged victim to talk to her about the event. According to reports, she told them while she and the man were together in the rack washing room, he said they could trap each other inside. She told the police she heard him lock her in when he left, and she believed he purposely turned on the machine.

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