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Teen Mischief at Walmart Leads to Parent’s Arrest

When several teenagers reportedly wreaked havoc at a Florida Walmart, one of the dads who went to pick up his child was arrested after he allegedly physically attacked responding deputies.

On September 28, a Walmart in Palm Coast was visited by a group of rowdy teens under the age of 16. It was reported that they arrived on bicycles and brought them into the store when they entered. They began riding them through the aisles and yelling profanities at the shoppers. When they were in the parking lot they reportedly set off several car alarms. The authorities were notified, and deputies from the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office found the teenagers near the store. They notified their parents about the situation and asked them to come and pick up their children.

According to reports, when the 34-year-old father of one of the kids showed up he became physically aggressive and pushed one of the deputies. Additional deputies were present, and a couple of them ran over to assist with the situation. The footage captured on their body-worn cameras appeared to show the man repeatedly telling the approaching deputies that he didn’t do anything. He can also be seen trying to run away from them. It was reported that when they caught him and tried to put him in handcuffs, one deputy’s hand was hit and the other had their arm shoved.

The man was taken into custody and booked into the Sheriff Perry Hall Inmate Detention Facility. He is facing preliminary charges of three counts of battery on a law enforcement officer, and aggravated assault for resisting arrest with violence. He was released from jail the following day after posting a $30,000 bond.

If you or someone you love is suspected of an assault or battery offense, contact Orange County criminal defense lawyer Staycie R. Sena at (949) 477-8088 for a consultation now.

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