
Articles Posted in criminal-defense


Man Escaped From Measles Quarantine to Go to the Gym

A man who was legally ordered quarantined after being exposed to the measles reportedly snuck past officers posted at his home so that he could hit the gym for a workout. Brookfield, Wisconsin, resident Jeffrey Murawski, age 57, was the guest of a hotel last April, and it was discovered…


Faux Nun On the Run Caught With $90,000 of Fentanyl

A woman wearing clothing that gave the authorities the impression that she was a nun was apprehended for allegedly carrying several pounds of fentanyl. On March 4, 53-year-old Esther Gomez De Aguilar and her husband were driving in an area approximately an hour outside of Tucson, AZ, when an on-duty…


CVS Photo Printing Device Used for Explicit Child Pics

An investigation into claims that a man used a machine at a drugstore to print pornographic pictures of children has led to the arrest of a suspect. On January 18, an employee at a CVS pharmacy was hailed down by a customer who was having trouble operating the machine inside…


Retired Teen Actor Stole and Pawned Pricey Guitars

An ex-actor who co-starred in a Jack Black movie when he was a teenager was recently accused of four incidents where musical instruments were taken from stores and pawned for cash. At the end of January, a North Florida music store called in to report the theft of an $800…


Teen Drugged Stepfather’s Energy Drinks As a Prank

A 17-year-old boy may be facing a sentence of over a decade-and-a-half after being accused of putting drugs in energy drinks that caused his stepfather to fall ill after consumption. A Beloit, Wisconsin, dairy farmer visited a local hospital at the end of January 2018 where he reported that he…


Eight Things You’ll Need From a Criminal Defense Lawyer

Моst реорlе hоре never to be charged with a criminal offense in their lifetime, but thousands of Orange County residents are so charged every year. Fоrtunаtеlу, оur јudісіаl brаnсh hаs а рrеsumрtіоn оf іnnосеnсе untіl рrоvеn guіltу, аnd thіs mеаns thаt аnуоnе сhаrgеd wіth а сrіmе, whеthеr іt bе DUІ…

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