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Man Arrested After Trying to Withdraw Penny from Bank

A Florida man without permanent residency is facing a felony charge after allegedly trying to rob a Sumter County bank for a penny.

On the afternoon of June 29, a man went into a Chase Bank located in Lady Lake. He reportedly retrieved a withdrawal slip and filled it out with information stating that he wanted to withdraw one cent. When he was finished with the slip, he approached one of the tellers and handed her the paper.

When she read the slip, she let the man know she wouldn’t be able to process the transaction since it was only for a penny. He allegedly responded with, “So you want me to say the other word?” The woman became concerned and alerted the police.

Deputies from the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office went to the bank, and when they got there, they found the man calmly sitting and waiting for them. When they spoke to the teller, she said she called for help when she became afraid the situation would turn violent.

The suspect was identified as a 41-year-old who stays in Summerfield but does not currently have permanent housing. According to reports, when the man was interviewed by the authorities about the situation, he told them he did not plan to rob the bank but wanted to get arrested.

The man was taken into custody and booked into the Sumter County Detention Center. He is facing preliminary charges of one felony count of robbery with no firearm or weapon. While he was initially incarcerated without bond, jail records indicate he is currently being held in lieu of a $5,000 bond. He is being represented by a public defender.

If you or someone you love is suspected of a theft offense, contact Orange County criminal defense lawyer Staycie R. Sena at (949) 477-8088 for a consultation now.

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