Articles Tagged with constitutional

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After reviewing the video from the scene, the authorities reportedly identified and arrested four men for allegedly attempting to dismantle the Andrew Jackson statue in Washington D.C.

On June 22, protests were taking place in Lafayette Square when four men began attempting to destroy the statue of Andrew Jackson that stands in the nation’s capital.

As reported by the U.S. Attorney’s Office, video footage showed the men in the act of trying to take down and destroy the statue.

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A Salt Lake City man is facing charges after he allegedly threatened the mayor in addition to encouraging attendants to bring guns to a rally planned for protesting the shelter-in-place order.

A St. George resident planned a protest that took place last Saturday, and hundreds of people, many ignoring social distancing recommendations and without anything protecting their faces, showed up in Washington Square at the City-County Building to fight against orders put in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

One of the ways the event was promoted was on a Facebook page, and it was reported that a commenter, identified as 58-year-old Marlin Richard Baer, left a post that was deemed an attempt to orchestrate a violent outcome.

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A school board member who alleges she has been pushed to the point of fearing for her personal safety has filed a petition for a permanent restraining order against the blogger who has spent the past few years posting negative and intimidating content against her on his website.

Gina Clayton-Tarvis, a 46-year-old Ocean View School District board member, has been the subject of much criticism about her political beliefs and actions expressed through displeased locals in the online social network communities since she was elected in 2012. Because of the perceived possible threat displayed in some of the online content, Huntington Beach police have occasionally attended the board meetings to be sure the environment remained safe.

Clayton-Tarvin tried to obtain a restraining order against an anti-immigration activist in 2017, but the court deemed that there was not enough evidence to grant her request.

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