Articles Tagged with urinating

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An internet content creator from southwestern New Hampshire is facing charges after reportedly recording videos that allegedly showed her urinating on food items in grocery stores and posting the footage on social media.

According to a press release from the Keene Police Department, on February 14, they received an anonymous tip about disturbing content posted to an undisclosed social media site. They reported that they saw videos a woman uploaded of herself urinating on packaged foods at a grocery store identified as Monadnock Food Co-Op. After investigating the report, the police informed the grocery store about the situation. They collected and watched the surveillance videos from the time and date the incident reportedly occurred. The alleged offender appeared to be the same woman in the social media content.

On February 21, the 23-year-old was taken into custody on preliminary charges of criminal mischief (Class B felony). She was later released on personal recognizance bail. She is scheduled to appear in court on April 7. The investigation is ongoing, and after watching multiple videos posted from the same online account, the authorities reported that they believed they had evidence of the suspect contaminating food with her urine at different stores over the past four years. They also reported that it is likely that additional charges will be added.

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A passenger on board a Frontier Airlines flight was allegedly highly intoxicated when he began behaving in an obscene manner causing interference of the flight crew members. When the plane landed the suspect was taken into custody and he is now facing federal charges.

On the evening of Thursday, May 17, a Frontier Airlines flight from Denver to South Carolina departed, and while in the air the people in the cabin were allegedly exposed to a man who reportedly began acting in a disorderly manner to the extent that he prevented the flight staff from performing their regular duties.

45-year-old Michael Allen Haag was seated between two women that were also passengers on the flight. Around two hours after departing, Haag, who was consuming double vodka and tonics and acting as if he was very drunk, began talking to one of the women about how he was physically stimulated because he was going to visit a woman he knew. The woman reported that she felt very uncomfortable with the way Haag was behaving, and she felt that he was leering at her because she was wearing shorts and a tank top.

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