Articles Tagged with indecent

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A man at a beach celebration was accused of kidnapping and sexual offenses after driving away with a young girl who was talking to him about his dog when she allegedly got into his car.

On April 15, visitors of Memorial Beach on Websters Lake in Webster, Massachusetts, were taking part in a celebration in honor of Patriots’ Day. There is a park on the beach, and a girl under the age of 14 was hanging out in the area. It was reported that while she was there, she began talking to a man about the dog he had with him.

The girl reportedly accompanied the 68-year-old man and his dog to his car and got into the passenger seat. The man reportedly drove off with the youngster and allegedly told her he needed to make a stop so he could drop off his pet. They reportedly went to a few different places before the man dropped her off at home and told her he would be back at the beach the next day.

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A man allegedly masturbated on a flight in front of the woman in the seat next to him for about an hour and reportedly said that he did not think it was wrong for him to do so. 

On April 2, Antonio Sherrodd McGarity was taking a two-and-a-half-hour flight from Seattle to Phoenix.  

At the start of the approximately two-and-a-half-hour flight, McGarity was sitting next to a female passenger. 

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A Nevada man and his son have been arrested and accused of many sexual crimes against young females with whom they reportedly had an established relationship.

Early in June, 44-year-old Jaime Oseguera was taken into custody for allegations that he had sexually abused young girls for 15 years. The authorities purport that the abuse took place from 2005 to 2020.

The Washoe County Sheriff’s Office Crimes Against Children unit continued looking into the situation, and they believe they discovered more young females who were victims of sexual abuse at Oseguera’s hands.

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A Kansas man was arrested for sexual offenses after it was asserted that he allegedly raped his girlfriend’s 10-year-old daughter, who is pregnant as a result of the assaults.

At the end of February, a midwife was called to a home in Overland Park for her services to help the mother-to-be work out a birth plan for the delivery of her child.

When the midwife arrived at the residence and began working with the girl she reportedly found that a 10-year-old child was the pregnant party, and it was posited that she had not seen an obstetrician for the full duration of the 26-week pregnancy.

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When one of the members of his bride’s wedding party became heavily intoxicated the groom allegedly sexually took advantage of her when he was asked to help escort her to safety.

On August 30, Daniel J. Carney, his fiancée, and their wedding party were celebrating with rafting and drinks on the Delaware River a couple of days before the big event.

While they were still on the water, one of the bridesmaids reportedly consumed so much alcohol that she was unable to partake in the water sports and had a hard time maintaining full consciousness.

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When a woman in the middle of her shift at 7-11 told the man working with her that she was bored he allegedly used the opportunity to propose a gratuitous and unwanted sexual encounter as a way to pass the time.

Until recently, 25-year-old Mustafa Demiray was a staff member at the 7-11 in Bradenton, Florida.

Last weekend, Demiray was on the clock working with a female clerk during an uneventful period at the convenience store. The woman reportedly shared with Demiray that she had a lack of interest in finishing her shift just before she went to a back office area designated for employees and sat down to fiddle with her cell phone.

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A passenger on board a Frontier Airlines flight was allegedly highly intoxicated when he began behaving in an obscene manner causing interference of the flight crew members. When the plane landed the suspect was taken into custody and he is now facing federal charges.

On the evening of Thursday, May 17, a Frontier Airlines flight from Denver to South Carolina departed, and while in the air the people in the cabin were allegedly exposed to a man who reportedly began acting in a disorderly manner to the extent that he prevented the flight staff from performing their regular duties.

45-year-old Michael Allen Haag was seated between two women that were also passengers on the flight. Around two hours after departing, Haag, who was consuming double vodka and tonics and acting as if he was very drunk, began talking to one of the women about how he was physically stimulated because he was going to visit a woman he knew. The woman reported that she felt very uncomfortable with the way Haag was behaving, and she felt that he was leering at her because she was wearing shorts and a tank top.

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According to investigators, 37 year old Stephen Garcia flashed Orange County female bus riders. Garcia, who has a lengthy record dating back a decade of indecent exposure cases, pled guilty on Tuesday to two felony counts of indecent exposure with prior convictions. He was immediately sentenced to three years in prison.

An anonymous tip about a man flashing women on the northern Orange County bus lines prompted an investigation. Investigators viewed surveillance video and after a three week investigation they arrested Garcia, according to the sheriff’s department.

Investigators said Garcia exposed himself at least four times on the buses. He would “flash” women while he sat in the back of the bus.

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